Fear can Paralyze you

Start from the beginning

"I'm .  .  . I'm afraid." I turn around then ran the other direction. "I’m supposed ta be fearless, why is it hard to work with that?”

My legs became full of adrenaline which propelled me forwards. I tripped over a seeker leg but thanks to my cozy comfy PJ's my knee did not get hurt. I scrambled back up hearing them close behind my heels. I don’t have on high heels. Why did I say heels? Okay throw out the fact I’m shoeless and the thing on my feet are white socks. My heart pounds with each leap (aka running outta fear!) taken over the discarded body parts.

Something splashes on my good socks.

“Nuu!” I complain. “These socks don’t deserve to be dirty!”  Fortunately I’m the kind who wears socks around the house and doesn’t wear shoes. “I should be clean!”

Suddenly I felt wet then the wet feeling went away quickly as it had gone and I felt dry.Thinking what had caused this unusual event went far behind the backburner. I jumped into a room then slap a red button on the doorway’s side which then made a steel door slam shut when one of the hyenog’s head was in the opening. Nobody needs to guess what happened because it got decapitated.

“Eww.” I take a step back, gulping. “Gross.”

I look around the room. There’s at least four big train parts in this room. It seemed a little spooky  seeing  what is left of other robot parts at various corners just lying there without a purpose in life except to remain  behind as the soul that once lived in this body departed somewhere great beyond this life. A pink fluffy teddy bear rolled on my socks so I picked it up.

“Aww . .  .” I played with the teddy bear a little bit; even looking at its chewed up ears.

It made me feel sad.

Not the sad you get in depression.

I got touchy sad, hugging the teddy bear. I had my own Barney toy as a child.

“You miss your owner,right?” I look at the teddy bear’s tag that read ‘Amelia Tubberwear Lahemi’. Amelia is a pretty name—oh, that’s the name I’m using, sort of. “Why is the writing not worn away?” I ask out loud, looking up. “That seems a little suspicious. Writing cannot stay in print forever.”

It became apparent this was a gift from a child left behind on the train.

“Let’s put ya back where you were.” I say, putting the teddy bear in the 2nd train’s car seat.

The windows are broken. Imagine old, dark dusty windows with glass missing at some points in the frame.Seatbelts were hanging upside down except for a few seats not upside down. I felt a tear slide down my face unexpectedly (Tears are the second ninja’s of the body, honestly). How come things like these get my feelings going? Perhaps I’ll never know the reason. I got out the 2nd train while wiping off my eyes under these pretty nifty glasses. Something moved in the vents above as though a small, organic, and slick individual had snuck in.

“I can’t die.” I remind myself. “It’s only gonna hurt . .  . And be messed up; being eaten alive.”

The thought made me shudder in a way that a dog that fears showers would be trembling.


I step back right as metal hit the floor. I saw these long dark tentacles, and then very long robotic chicken legs kicking the butt out of a Hyenog. Why was Soundwave in the vents? Oh my primus there’s no way to decide if that is stupid or smart of Soundwave. Just as he had busted in one of Soundwave’s tentacle’s grabbed me by the waist. The tentacle levitated me above the floor while Soundwave kicked the living crap outta The Snarling but much smaller Hyenog. He then stabs the Hyenog using a sharp object in its forehead.

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