Annoying two con's at once, is that possible?

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A/N My character's annoying comments made in this chapter towards the Decepticons are inspired off   "100 ways to annoy Soundwave" and "100 ways to annoy Knock Out".

To avenge a pair of sunglasses is no easy task. The lights in the hall went out a couple times. Once or twice there might have been two Spider-Snakes slithering-crawling around more like Slrawthing around.Slrawthing means a mix of crawling and slithering on the floor. Yes my mind  is really creative. The girl who somehow round up in Transformers Prime has just made up a word which is not a word.Perhaps other people can call this pattern as Sleuthing. All right enough of this word non-sense!

 "Stop turning the slagging lights out!" I whack the giant weapon on something squishy.

The frightening spider-snake screech filled the air.

 At first I wanted to scream and run away. But running away from your fear is a definite no-go.

"I will not run away." I dislodged the weapon out from whatever it had struck.

 This Spider-Snake will not escape! Not unless it loses a leg.

"Hyyaaah!" I yell running in the dark.

What happened next is the inevitable; I tripped.

"Ah man!" My hand let go of the huge weapon.

Running in the dark like a blur is my greatest foe.


The weapon clashed on the floor. I could hear pieces bounce around quite loudly.If bounce is the right word to describe a delicate weapon shattering after hitting the floor is not correct then who knows what is.I guess one of the fragments hit my left finger.My left finger stung badly as though a bee had taken the humble opportunity to sting me. It's pretty sad knowing that bee's die right they sting ya. Not that I have never ever been stung before by an insect. My brother Christian got stung by a bee once on his toe and it swelled up. My brother is like the Rocket boy.

I heard a hiss-slither close-by.

Suddenly I got this strange spheria tone image of a Spider Web decorated in dead critters around several generators that are seemingly shut down. Oh my freaking primus this reminds me of the 'Sanctuary of the Spark grows' chapter from Shattered Dreams, except this involves a living organic not a machine.Some-one is so not going to die.There's a big sack growing above the generators.It became apparent by the egg shapes that the Spider-Snake had made a nest using the spider-web. Maybe Spider-Snakeia mated before The Decepticons took her aboard.

"Wow, ho-h-h-howw unoriginal." I stutter.

Yeaaah, I'm calling dibs on Spider-Snakeia. Why add 'ia' at the end of this name? Because it makes sense to me and The Spider Snake is a female.Go eat some cookies if this doesn't make sense to you.I'm the queen who can speak way too fast. I'm also queen of confusion (in my opinion).Better yet go outside and chase your dog. Actually, just  do some exercises whenever you don't understand me. 

The image disappeared a second afterwards.The lights turn back on. Behold the floor is covered in sharp objects. I know that I cannot die but getting hurt is clearly possible because my finger is bleeding.I stared at it because it's light blue--Light freaking mother trucking blue--like blue seen from the new era of Transformers. My attention shifts away from what could be my biggest worry of all time: Techno-Organic. Or should Techno-Organics be referred to as Cyber-Organics in this universe?

Anyway because I was standing  there surrounded by sharp objects. I had to stand there for primus knows how long.I wonder why why I cannot be killed but can be hurt and not feel hungry. Anyway press fast forward now see how still I am--well minus the part where I'm scratching the top of my nose, including a quick scene where I'm scratching my forehead.It is very close, and, impossible to NOT scratch yourself standing around surrounded by pointy objects. Okay stop fast forward where the two Decepticons have just came.

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