Chapter seven

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Pidges pov:

I was sitting on my bed and Romelle was changing her clothes. And by sitting on my bed I mean staring at my girlfriend changing.

All of a sudden the door opened and both Romelle and I shrieked.

Keith and Lance ran into the room and closed the door. 

"Guys we have to tell you something." Lance looked really happy.

I threw a shoe at each of them.

"What the hell you two. Knock she's changing and you're both just not even phased." Lance and Keith looked at each other and laughed.

"Pidge were both gay neither of us are focusing on your half naked girlfriend." They had a point. Romelle put her shirt on and came to sit down next to me.

"So what's the news? You get Keith pregnant?" I laughed and the boys blushed.

"Pidge shut up!! That's not even possible!" Keith yelled as he covered is face.

I was about to tell them something but then Lance started to speak.

"What we came here to tell you guys is that we've decided to tell the others. Tonight at dinner. We just wanted you guys to know and Incase someone here-" he looked to Keith, "gets shy or scared just make sure he feels better and smile." Lance grabbed Keith's hand who was already still shy.

I was excited and jumped around. Romelle hugged me from behind and squished her face to mine happily.

"I'm so happy you guys are deciding to tell the others. It'll be so much easier I promise." I wanted to encourage them so Keith wouldn't back out.

Keith hugged into Lance  still looking shy. Romelle walked up and hugged the two and I soon joined. Keith started to smile which turned into laughing.

"Okay tonight at dinner for sure. I'm ready to do this." Keith said with determination.

At dinner

Keith's pov:

We were all sitting at the table for dinner. I just stared into my lap and and fidgeted with my hands. I was nervous.

People started to stand up and I realized everyone was done and ready to go. I felt Lance grab my hands and smiled at me and I realized it was time.

We both stood up and faced everyone.

"Hey guys. Before you go we have to tell you something." Lance announced and everyone stopped to face us. Pidge and Romelle smiled and stood.

I took a deep breath and intertwined my fingers wth Lances.

"We've been dating for almost four months now. That's why we've been up late and waking early. And the..." I stopped and refused to look up.

I squeezed Lances and moved closer to him.

"And that girl you heard me with the other night, it wasn't an alien girl it was Keith." Lance wrapped his arm around me and pulled me closer to kiss my head.

I still didn't look up yet. It was silent. I darted my eyes over to Pidge and Romelle who smiled at me and gave me a thumbs up.

I felt Lance give me a litttle squeeze and whispered in my ear.

"It's okay you can look up Keith." I lifted my head to see the others smiling at us happily.

"I'm glad you guys decided to tell us. I don't get why you guys felt like you had to keep it from us for so long. You know we'll always support you guys."  Shiro smiled at us.

"Yeah and I guess I should apologize for that joke from earlier. I'll take it that's why Keith ran out on us this morning. I'm sorry." Hunk rubbed the back of his head embarrassed.

"It's fine you didn't have anyway of knowing. But now it's out there and there won't be another incident like that again." Lance laughed at my jealousy and kissed me on the cheek.

I blushed then smiled at the thought that we were standing here. Together in front of everyone. Hugging and kissing while they just smiled. And it finally felt normal.

Later that night

Lances pov:

We were all sitting on the couch laughing and joking around. I had my arm around Keith and he was leaning into me and right next to us I could see Pidge smiling at us as she sat in Romelle's lap with her arms around Pidges waist.

It felt nice. Everything felt normal and we were enjoying our time. Keith snuggled his head closer into my side and I saw his eyes were closed. I smiled a stroked his hair and continued talking to the others.

After another hour I could tell that Keith had fallen asleep on me. I looked around and everyone was just relaxed.

Allura has also fallen asleep with her head resting on Shiros lap. I chuckled to myself and whispered

Space mom and dad

I heard Pidge chuckle next to me and realized I may have been louder then I though and lightly blushed out of embarrassment.

I cleared my throat and picked Keith up bridal style.

"I'm gonna take Keith to bed and probably check out myself. See you guys tomorrow."

"Goodnight Lance. Although not too good of a night please." Pidge laughed and I blushed. I groaned and kept walking.

I opened Keith's bedroom door and pushed the blankets back on he bed so I could gently place him down. He stirred a bit and I placed a hand on his cheek and he calmed down. I pulled the blanket back on him and smiled.

I knelt down beside him and stroked his face gently with the back of my hand. I kissed his lips softly and quickly and stood up to leave.

Before I could get away from the bed I felt a hand grab my arm. I turned around and Keith was looking at me with tired eyes.

"Don't go, please lay down with me." I love him. More then anything else in this universe.

I smiled at him and moved back to the bed. Keith moved over to give me room. I laid down beside him and he cuddled up to my chest and kissed it.

I smiled and kissed his head.

"I love you Keith."

"I love you too."

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