His return

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Rowans POV

Elisia, Hailey, and I were in my room right now just chilling. I was painting, Hailey was drawing, and Elisia was reading a random book I had. Moments like these were special, where we could just hang out without worrying and stress. Where we actually smile for a moment in our lives.

"Row, that's really cute" Elisia said to me


"Yeah, but does it mean?" Hailey asks

"Oh nothing, it's just random" I say as she nods her head

But the truth is - it meant a lot to me. Maybe I wasn't 100% right now.

I painted a little boy, sitting in his room, hugging his favorite stuffed animal that's a frog - but he named it fishy.

Brandon got released today. He will be back to school tomorrow and to be honest, i never prepared myself for having to see him again. I know some part of me knows he regrets it, but the fact is - he's the reason why were all scared to sleep at night, the reason why were all in pain and fighting for our lives.

But me spending time with him, he did not seem like the guy who could be responsible for this. But then again, he did used to bully me. I'm just so confused on how to feel.

The Brandon that defended me with Trevor, the Brandon that i sat on the rooftop with laughing and then talking about how bad we felt about Dunbar, the Brandon that listened to me when i opened up about my mom - who knew that i hung up the flyers just by looking at them. The Brandon that saved me from the truck... the Brandon that said he didn't keep his eyes off me after the truck, who gave me his sweater because i was cold, who put his hands on my cheek like my mom did making me feel safe - when he kissed me. He doesn't seem like the boy who was responsible for all of this

But he was.

So i had to let go

"Row? Are you going to be okay tomorrow?" Hailey asks

I guess she caught me staring off

"Brandon cant hurt us anymore. Were fine" I say

"That's not what she means and you know it" Elisia pitches in

"Ill be fine" i respond as i start cleaning up my paint brushes

________ school _______

"So you spilt punch all over your white sheets last night" i say between laughs as Hailey explains

"It's not funny!" Hailey exclaims as she was trying not to laugh as well

"It literally stained all my sheets! It looks like period blood"

"Okay gross" I say laughing

"He's here." I turn my head as Elisia walks up to us

We all look down the hall

There he was. His hair looked lighter, the black has faded out - turned into a brownish, his hair looks wavier - maybe just messier. He was already back making jokes with Trevor and Sean - and no one really reacted to his return. It was almost as if he never had left - or maybe no one knew.

"What an asshole" Hailey says

"Look at him, acting like he's the most innocent person" Elisia says

"You know what. Who cares, ignore him, move on, don't pay him any attention -  he doesn't deserve it as it is" I say

"You're right. Let's go to class" Hailey says

We just start walking down the hall as he was at the end of it. I would be lying if i said I didn't have to feeling to run the opposite way - but I am stronger than that. Us girls were all just talking trying to avoid the tension we would meet at the end - well they were talking, i was just nodding and smiling to try and seem like I wasn't freaking out.

As we reach the end, I feel Elisia grab my hand as we all walk to turn the corner. What's the hardest is i could feel his eyes staring at me.

This is going to be a long school year.

Am i the only one just wondering what Brandons return is going to be like?

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