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Rowan's POV

"I felt really um safe?"

Brandon nods in an understanding way

He brings up the fact that I put up the flyers, and I deny. But he's not wrong, and I guess he deserves to know why.

It's 2 days later, and I see him alone in an classroom reading something, I walk in and he says "hey"

But I just get straight to the point

"You were right... about the flyers" that gets his attention

"You wanna explain?" He asks me, but he wasn't mad

"My mom told me one time that it's easier to bully yourself than let other people to, so when I heard Trevor talk about finding a way to get the whole school laughing at me, I took her advice and made the flyers and put them up, so the next day it wouldn't hurt as bad seeing them" I say slowly

"I know it's stupid but -" he cuts me off

"It's not stupid Rowan..." Brandon says

I look at him, and I can't help but have tears in my eyes

"I'm just so sick of everything anymore" I sigh

"I'm sorry Rowan" he says

"For what?"

"For everything I've ever done to you or said to you, it wasn't cool at all" he says

I almost forget how Brandon also used to bully me

"It's okay" I just say

"No it's not... I used to pick on you all the time, when really I shouldn't have because you didn't do anything wrong, your mom did and I blamed it on you. Now I know not to, because of my dad" he sighs

"Parents suck sometimes" I say

And we just sit there in silence, enjoying the company of each other. Enjoying the feeling of having someone that understands

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