Tea and kisses

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This is not connected to my last two chapters. It's a one shot, because I've been lacking on browan these last few chapters and I was like WE NEED SOME SO HERE YA GO

Rowan's POV

it was the day after Brandon had kissed me last night. I honestly didn't even wanna go to school because I thought it was a sick joke to prank me, but he's better then that... I hope

I told Hailey, Nicki, and Elisia what happened last night Nicki was excited and said finally it happened, Hailey was excited and shocked, and Elisia was just shocked. I told them the backstory of why he would even come to my room or how I would let him kiss me.

I'm closing my locker when I see the girls walking up to me. I can already tell by their faces that they want all the details


"What happened" Hailey says

"I'm still shocked" Elisia says

"Guys it was just one kiss. He probably doesn't even like me" I say

"You told us he said "can I tell you something" and then kissed you? That obviously means 'YO I LIKE YOU" Nicki says

"I heard him and Sean talking in the library when I was at my tutor session with hawk. He seemed to be talking highly about you" Hailey says

"Again, I'm still shocked" Elisia says

"ELISIA FOCUS" Nicki says

"Whatever I'll see you guys later" I say as I shake my head and close my locker

"ooo she gonna go find Brandon" Hailey says

I roll my eyes in a playful way. I go to class 30 minutes early, only because I like the peace and quiet. I spend this time scrolling through my phone, and just relaxing to calm my nerves before I have to study and get tested. Stupid school

I hear the door click open and I get up fast because I was thinking it was Trevor ready to bully me some more. But it wasn't

It was Brandon. My stomached dropped, and I was already remembering last night and how I wanted more.

"Hey" I say

He walks up to me

"So last night" he says

"Yeah weird huh" I mumble out

The awkward silence was obvious to each other

That's when he gets closer to me and puts his lips on mine. I immediately kiss back, I run my fingers through his hair, as he pulls me closer to him

This kiss is way more passionate then the last one and is definitely more of a make out session

It's to the point where he's lifting me up and setting me on a students desk.

"Brandon" I mumble quickly when his lips separate from mine for a second

"I never thought this would happen" he says as he pulls away again and sets his forehead against mine

"What is this?" I ask out of breathe

"Hopefully something serious, but takes time" he says

We hear the bell ring and immediately separate to our own desks

A couple minutes later Hailey, Elisia, and Nicki walk in and judging by my messy hair and slightly twisted clothes - they know went on before class started. Smirks all over their faces

The whole class I can feel his glances, when I spotted them I couldn't help smile each time.

Later that night he snuck over again, and nothing happened this time. We ended up watching movies and playing board games. Sounds boring but it was hilarious, he would crack a joke everyone once and it was the first time we hung out voluntarily, and for no Dunbar reason, or project reason.

It felt good and I can't wait for more 

Instagram - @/kmskiaraa

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