Part 15

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Driving down to Mexico, Elijah played the kiss over and over in his head

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Driving down to Mexico, Elijah played the kiss over and over in his head.

💋Like out of the blue, Elena's lips crashed on his and the immediate
wave of warmth filled him up so unexpectedly, spilling out from his heart and the sweetness of her lips on his rushed now to every corner of his being. It was like a first kiss. It was all different, new, dreamlike.

💋Kiss me without it being the right moment
Without mercy and in silence
Kiss me, stop time
Make this feeling grow

Kiss me, as if the world was to end after that

Kiss me and kiss by kiss turn the sky upside down

Kiss me without a reason
Just because the heart wishes it
Kiss me

Feel me in the wind,
As I die slowly
Kiss me without a motive
And I will be with you forever


Ooh... oh... Kiss me


Kiss me like this, without holding back
Stay within me, without conditions
Just give me a single reason to
And I will stay (And I will stay)💋

💋Pulling a little out of the kiss, Elijah rested his forehead against Elena's, meeting the swirls of emotions now exploding within him.
A shot at her chesnut gleaming eyes now revealed more than words could express, having
Elijah now take her by the waste, pulling her to him, pressing his lips warmly onto hers. The sweet caress of his lips softer than she could have ever imagined. Deepening it now made Elena breathe out a low moan, obliterating her every thought. The worries of the day evaporated like a summer's shower. For a moment there, it felt that both had no wish for the kiss to end.

And then he ripped away from her, without any words said, he got in the car, driving off. To God knows what. To God knows where. Elena's thoughts now flew to him.

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