Part 19

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Elena arrived in the Mikaelson New York penthouse apartment, and put the bag down on the side chair.

She took a moment now. There was immense happines in her, as well as deep sadness. Elijah loved her, there was a baby on the way, Stefan will be released, but then there was Matt and the revelation that his sister killed her boyfriend Damon. And her sister, who obviously got rid of Vicky, like Matt had said. Her sister, who will come blazing at her door when she returns. And she will return. Elena knew Katherine all too well. And she knew that she was capable of anything. A strange kind of fear now crept inside her.

And then, like a devil got into her, she now took her bag and walked out of the apartment.

Elena, what are you doing? Have faith. In yourself, in Elijah. Stop. Go back! No. I can't. You don't know what she is like and what she can do. And she can do the unthinkable. You don't know her like I do. And I can't have anything happen to the baby. I can't.

Drawing a big amount of cash now, Elena got a taxi and said to the driver.

"JFK Airport."

An hour later, just as she was about to board the plane, she sent this message to Elijah before she tossed the phone away in the garbage bin.

"I love you like I never loved anyone ever before. You are the most wonderful man I have ever met, and I will always remember what we had together. Forever. ♥️ Elena."

In New Orleans, Elijah, who had just got out of the bathroom, having heard the message alert took his phone and read the message from Elena.

His heart went into panicking mode and he immediately dialled Elena's number, but there was no answer. He dialled over and over again, numerous times, but there was no answer.

"No, damn it. No!" he sifted thinking the worst possible scenario."Please, Elena, answer-please!"

But there was no answer.

Elijah was frantic. The message was a goodbye. That was clear. His mind was working in overdrive and he now called the New York builduing doorman, who confirmed Elena arriving and leaving the place. He now rang Powell and told him to try and get any information possible. Then he rang Matt in Mystic Falls. He had hoped that he maybe had talked to Elena. He told him about her meassage to him as well.

"You should not have let her go on her own - alone!" Matt said vividly angered.

"She did this because- she can't be that scared of Katherine?" Elijah sighed.

"Duh!" Matt exclaimed.

"I would have protected her. How could she not trust me?"

"Protect her - how? With all your money? Lawyers? Police? Trust me, even with all that power you got, you will not be able to do it."

"You are talking like - Katherine would do something to her own sister? That is crazy! She can't be that kind of a monster?" Elijah said in disbelief.

"You don't know Katherine like we do. She is the devil. And if someone stands in her way, she will do anything to get her revenge. And Elena is pregnant with your baby. You are in love. When Katherine finds that out - she will raise Hell."- Matt said.

Elijah draw a deep breath. Could Katherine be that cruel to kill her own sister? The possibility of this happening was incomprehensible to Elijah. But the way Matt sounded, now made Elijah believe it could happen.

"Please," Elijah said,"if sge contacts you, let me know. I love her. Truly. Please, tell her that I will protect her."

"Yeah." Matt muttered.

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