Part 13

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Since Elijah had business to attend to in New York, they both flew there.

All the way, in the car, then the plane and later, Elijah was very civil to Elena, but there were no emotions of any kind shown.

At the dinner with the business partners, he played his role as a loving husband to perfection. She did her bit, as well. But as soon as they walked inside the penthouse apartment, he would turn away from her, closing himself in the study, that was adjecent to a room, where he slept. They didn't share any meals. Didn't speak, unless, he was informing her about the 'itenary'.

Before it was like they were king and queen of the Mikaelson kingdom. At the time, when she had no memory. Now it was a broken kingdom. All was shattered, and they were both like two lost creatures wandering through a devastated land.

Elena, let it everything be. She had one focus now. And it was the baby. It gave her great comfort and something positive to look forward too.

Days after, as they returned in New Orleans, she finally told Matt everything about herand Elijah, and Katherine's blackmail. And her arrangement with Elijah.

"I knew it. The moment I saw her in the Grill, I knew that there was something twisted. The way you just left." Matt was fuming.

"Matt, you have to promise me you will not tell anyone about this."

"Ok. And when she finally gets back - you will come back here?"

"I can't." Elena then said.

"Why the Hell not. Sure he understands that she - did all this." Matt carried on outraged.

"Ahm- well, I am pregnant. And it's Elijah's." Elena now said.

'What?" Matt exclaimed astound.

"It happened - when I had no memory of anything about me. I - we - were together - I thought I was his wife. Please, Matt. You can' t tell anybody about this?"

"Why? This is crazy, Elena-"

"I know. It's all messed up. But I agreed to stay in New Orleans. It is his baby, too. And - I am doing all this for the baby. We signed a contract today. This baby needs his/her father. Elijah is not bad man.

"He was shafted by Katherine, like all of us" Matt resumed.

"Yes," Elena said,"anyway, I have this clothing line I am doing and it keeps me busy."

"Under her name?" Matt said.

"For now. Later, it will be like in both our names. Elijah's lawyer suggested I appear as Elena in a couple of months, concerned about my sister and her disappearance. I know this sounds all so crazy."

"It does. And how will you explain the baby? And him being the father?"

"We will both admit having a drunken one night."

"No. This is bad. And you say that he is a good guy?"

"Matt, we - both me and Katherine played him. And it was so wrong. I could have ended up in prison."

"I can't believe all this is happening." Matt sifted.

"I could let Stefan stay in prison, for something he didn't do. And Elijah - he is really innocent in all this. He fell for her, and she has - huh" Elena teared up.

"Can I come and see you? You can't go on through all this on your own."

"I - don't know, Matt. Not just yet. I am - I will be fine." Elena reasurred her friend.

"You're in love with him, aren't you!?" Matt said, which suprised Elena that he would say this Though, it shouldn't have. He has been her friend since pre-school. Elena's silence confirmed it.

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