Start from the beginning

'' then I'll go inside '' 

Aidan nodded as he follow  me slowly from behind when I make my way to mom's.

I carefully rotate the knob and quietly got in. Inside was Lucas sitting near the bed and Matty already fast asleep on the couch.

I approached the bed in one unhurried motion and touched lucas shoulder. He looked up to me and stood up afterwards.

'' I'm glad you're here now '' he told as he embraced me.

'' Sky is that you? '' mom told weakly.

I untangled myself from my tired brother and sat down to where he was in a moment ago.

I hold mom's hand and kissed it. Her hand seems so fragile that any minute will break if you didn't handle it with care.

'' yes mom I'm here. I'm sorry I'm sorry. I shouldn't have left you '' and I started to cry.

'' hey it's okay baby, you're here now. I just missed you and in my remaining days I wanted to see you always........'' she paused catching for breath. Her cancer metastasized already to different vital organs that's why she's needing oxygen supplement to breath more easily.

'' are my only daughter, my very beautiful baby '' she smiled and touched my face.

'' don't cry, mom still here '' she added wiping my uncontrollable tears. I shook my head and enclosed her hands inside my own.

'' don't say that mom. I'm not yet ready, be here for me please '' my voice was shaking

'' come here '' she patted the space beside her and lucas was the one who occupied my seat.

Mom gesture also Aidan to sit down on her foot part. I'm not sure what she's trying to do but what I want and craving for was her touch, my mom's touch.

'' Listen skylar '' she looked at me, her hand not leaving my face and my head was resting on her shoulder  '' you and your siblings were the greatest treasure me and your daddy are having. When you came into our lives as parents we became happy and complete. The feeling that no one could ever describe and I'm really happy that you grew well and such a good person, but a time like this - an inevitable time like this is part of a human life. We live and we die. If your time comes then so be it. God knows that I'd live my life already and my task was done and it's your turn to do what was yours. Lucas '' she transferred her glare to him.

'' mom '' he moved much forward holding mom's other hand.

'' Thank you for being a great brother and son to us. You are a man of honor with a big heart for everyone. I'm very pleased that you were my first born child. ''

'' mom please... '' lucas started to sniff then tears came rolling down. He kissed mom's hand and hold mine with his other one.

Mom smiled as she cries with us.

'' don't cry, we're not watching a drama here. '' she joked as she gesture us to come nearer and hugged us both.

'' I love you both and matty who are sleeping soundly '' we all chuckled and untangled ourselves when mom started to talk to Aidan.

'' Aidan you know how much I love you as my own son and the best guy for skylar, please take care of her. You're the only one whom I can trust aside from my sons. I want the two of you to be together. I want my daughter's happiness ''

Myself got shocked to what I've heard, my mom wanted me to be with Aidan but how can I tell her that my happiness is not him anymore?

'' yes aunt, I'll take care of her. I promised. '' he smiled as well as my mom.

'' but mom.....'' I trailed off when lucas hold my knees forcing me to stop.

'' what is it baby? ''

I averted my eyes to my left just to see lucas slightly shaking his head.

'' a.....ah n..nothing mom ''

'' you sure? ''

'' yes mom ''

'' Sky... I wan't you and Aidan to get married ''

I lurched up from my position and stared at mom with wide eyes.

'' don't you think I'm still young to talk about it? ''

'' next week you're turning 18 and I didn't say that you're going to marry instantly. I just want to know that it's Aidan who will be your other half, he's your happiness right? ''

I gazed down the floor really didn't know what to react. If she's not sick I can tell her instantly that it's not him, kaia is my happiness now and she's the one I want to be with forever.

'' mom I think let put aside this matter Skylar is big enough to decide for that '' lucas interjected leaving aidan no space to butt in.

'' I know but Aidan is perfect for her, they were together since kids so it makes me at peace when I know that in time my only daughter ended up with someone she love, so promise me skylar that you'll gonna marry the one you love okay? '' I meet my mom's eyes and nodded.

'' I will mom ''  and she smiled.

I will mom. I will only marry the one I really love.

Cheating my Boyfriend with my Girlfriend (GxG story)  - COMPLETED  *UNEDITEDWhere stories live. Discover now