"But just know that, sooner or later-" he halted in his words and leaned forward close to your ear so only you could hear him, his mere presence made your nerves tingle.

"You'll be begging for it," he whispered, his voice low and sensual before he casually strode out of the meeting room. Your heart was running a marathon in your chest and you bit your lip furiously, a red hue slowly taking over your cheeks. You slapped yourself mentally, trying to get you back to your senses.

F*ck you Min Yoongi. 

F*ck you for messing around with my poor heart. F*ck you for knowing me way too well.

"I guess it's settled then," the manager frowned and smiled lightly at you, still obviously confused over the situation that had just unfolded in front of him. He handed you the contract, which you signed without a second glance and you shook hands.

"It will be a pleasure working with you. Until tomorrow then," Sejin smiled and left the room together with Namjoon and Hoseok who also looked rather surprised.

"Well, I thought this would go differently," Namjoon chuckled while he walked past you, making you smile lightly. "Me too Namjoon, me too. Next time give me a head's up okay?"

He laughed to himself, turning around briefly to wink at you before leaving. "What a great friend," you huffed ironically, rolling your eyes with a laugh. Thinking back at Yoongi however, you stifled a sigh. He had your emotions running wild, your heart riding a rollercoaster. After months of separation and trying to move on, he had just returned and everything had come back as if you had only left him yesterday. 

But I'm not gonna fall for you again Yoongi, as much as my heart aches for it, my mind is right in trying to protect me from another disappointment. 

What you didn't know was that you had already fallen deeply in love with the complex human being that was Min Yoongi. In fact, you had never stopped loving him, just as much as he had never stopped loving you. The mere difference between your feelings was that he was aware of them and you were suppressing them, too scared to be hurt again.


Nervously you stepped out of the cab, you were definitely in the fancier part of Seoul, the buildings all looked very chic and expensive. You gulped looking at the building just in front of you, glass covering every side of the tall and massive structure. The penthouse must be stunning. You wondered who could be able to afford this type of housing.

You walked towards the security at the entrance, pulling your heavy luggage with you with a light groan. Everything here looked luxurious, even the stairs leading up to the door. The precisely cut marble steps might've looked stunning at first but you soon saw them as annoyingly long as you had to get your stuff all the way to the top of them.

"Excuse me, Miss. You can't come inside of this building unless you have authorized access." The black, tall and rather bulky security guy stopped you, making you look at him in confusion. You sighed, looking down at the stairs you had just climbed with all of your luggage. No way, I'm going back down just to get that access thingy in some office.

"Ehm, I was told to come here at 8 a.m. Manager Sejin mentioned that in my contract. Who can I contact to get such authorized access?" I could just call Yoongi or Namj-

Beneath the lies - Min YoongiWhere stories live. Discover now