~Kinda Flashback?~

"USELESS!" My mother storms out of the skating rink in disapproval.

I sit there in the middle of the ice filled floor, the coldness rubbed against my cheeks, and the numbness filled my heart. 'I'll never be good enough to fulfill mothers dreams. Even though I'm always the top of my class I'll never be better than that!' I bend over with my hands over my face 'I'll never make her happy no matter how hard I try.'

"Hey kid are you gonna keep crying or are you gonna get back up and continue practicing?" A girls voice suddenly fills my ears and brings me from my disturbing thoughts.

I look up to see her brushing her long auburn hair back with one hand and the other she grasps onto my arm to help me up. The moment our eyes met I look away blushing madly like a little school girl.

"What's your name girlie?" She giggles as she doesn't let go of my hand "Wanna join my regiment to impress your mom? It's a top class for future skaters."

"I'm a boy..." I shy away nervously remembering my long hair that reaches my waist "My name is Victor..." I feel my face get hotter.

"Oh!!" She lets go of my hand and blushes as well "Sorry it's just you're so beautiful I thought you were a girl!" She grips onto the ends of her coat embarrassed.

"Thanks~" My ten year old self gets a sudden ego boost.

~End of flashback~

I grab her hand blushing lightly 'I'm sorry for everything that happened between us... in the end we were both fools.' Getting up I let go of her hand quickly and turn to take my leave to avoid eye contact.

"Remember we still have to have our meeting on the outside balcony? Walk with me after dinner." I say as I take my leave off the rink itself.

"O-okay!" Mila calls after me.

Yuri's POV;

"Is there any reason you're bothering me with this? I don't want to hear it so leave me alone." I slam my shoe locker "Don't you have something better to do?"

"Oh, but I think you'll want to hear about my mistress? The future heir and the chairman's eldest daughter of the company signed with Victor; My beloved sister." The student prez puts a hand against my face and forces me to look in her direction "She and Victor used to be an item and now they're rinkmates."

"So...?" I get anxious "I trust Victor..."

"With his past?" She smirks "I don't think you should. He's fooled around with plenty of girls. But, there's only one girl he goes back to everytime."

Turning around I try ignoring her "I'll be late to class listening in to your lies." I swing my backpack over my shoulder "Just leave me alone."

Suddenly I feel her grip onto my arm "I'm only telling you this because I don't want to see you get hurt."

I throw her off of me and hiss in disgust "You're telling me this because you want to hurt me. You've been threatening me this whole time so what makes you think-..." interrupting me she shoves her hands against my mouth.

"You're right. I want you to suffer and I'm going to ruin you." She lets go of me "I hate your guts because my sister hates you. So let me tell you why you're everyone's problem."

"Can we talk after school at least...? The bell is going to ring soon." I back down unsure of what her next move might be "I'll listen to what you have to say."

"Great." She smiles and walks off rather quickly.

'I know he's been hiding things from me but the past is in the past. Right? Regardless of what I might hear or how messed up it is I think I need to keep my head up high and charge through because he's mine now. I'm not entirely strong but I'll have enough strength to trust in Victor and our relationship. I hope I won't regret it later.'

My heart suddenly throbs in pain within my chest.

"The Hanahaki Disease is an illness born from one-sided love, where the patient coughs up flowers or flower petals. The only cure is to have that love reciprocated, or to somehow wipe away all one's memories of their beloved person. The infection can be removed through surgery, but the feelings disappear along with the petals."

Hanahaki Disease {Victor X Yuri Fan-Fic}Where stories live. Discover now