Remedial Goodness 101

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The next day arrived and Fairy Godmother was teaching the new kids. "If you have a crying baby, what do you do? Do you A) curse it, B) lock it in a tower, C) give it a bottle, or D) cut out its heart?" she asked. No one but Evie raised their hand. "Evie?" "What was the second option?" she asked. When Mal was drawing, the Headmistress pointed at her. "Mal?" "C) give it a bottle," she answered. "Correct," said Fairy Godmother. "You are on fire girl!" Carlos exclaimed. "Just pick the one that's the least fun." "Ooooh!" they all said. The doors opened and Jessica and Jane walked in. Jay looked at Jessica and smiled. She returned it. "Jane, Jessica. How wonderful to see you two." "hey." Jessica greeted her. "Jessica I was meaning to ask you, how's your mother now? I'm very worried about her." Fairy Godmother asked, lovingly. "Yeah, I'm worried, too. But don't worry too much. She's a little better. At least she's out of her room. Dad's trying to convince her on coming here for Family Day." she answered. "Oh, well that's good". Jane handed her some papers. "Thank you, dear. Everyone, this is my daughter Jane." she said. Jane let out a little squeal. "Hi." she said. Jessica chuckled a little. "And you all already met Jessica." "'Sup." Jessica greeted. They all greeted her back. Jessica looked at Jane and saw she was shaking. "Well, I gotta take her back to class. She's still getting used to this," she said. Jessica waved bye to everyone. The night came and Jessica started to have a nightmare about her mother. She sprung up and started to cry. Ben walked in to see if she was alright and comfort her. Only Ben, his parents, and the Headmistress knew about the situation. Ben stayed until she fell asleep.

Hey guys. Sorry if I haven't been updating but I do appreciate you guys being patient with me.

I hope you guys enjoyed it.

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I love you all and have a wonderful wonderful day. 😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

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