You Can't Live Without Love

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Okay okay hear me out. Don't kill me for the title. (it's 3am don't judge)

You just can't live live without some form of love, or emotional attachment. Well, technically, biologically you can, but you're certainly not going to be happy.

To everyone aro or ace person that thinks they're never going to find love.

Boi look around you.

You have (hopefully) a loving family.

You probably have a dope group of friends that you can laugh with, or maybe a few close friends that you'd never want go anywhere without. Or even a pet that you see as having a status than your friends (I don't blame you).

[also RIP to my beautiful cat Lily. She lived to the amazing age of twenty human years (older than me goddamn) and I am so glad that she is no longer in any pain. Have fun in cat heaven Lily, I'll miss you xx]

Anyway where was I?

Ah yes. Luuuurrrrrve.

Love doesn't have to be romantic or sexual at all. When people say you can't live without love this is what they are trying to say. Many find love in a romantic partner that they share their lives with. Those that don't may get tonnes of pets and share their lives with them. And even if you're not an animal person, it is essential that you have some form of love that you can depend on, like a friend or family member.

Because there is nothing worse than looking from side to side and not being able to find a shoulder to cry on.

Or someone to attack with a terrible joke. It works both ways.

Basically what I'm saying is that even though your sexuality says that you don't experience attraction, it doesn't mean it's fine to isolate yourself from everyone just because you don't want to do the do or kiss the kiss under the moonlight with someone.

If you accept yourself, and surround yourself with all types of love, you'll never be lonely again.

Have a nice day everyone.

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