I'm So Sorry For You

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When people say "I'm so sorry for you" when you come out as asexual, what do you say without sounding impolite? (And, being fiercely British, being polite is very important to me).

Of course, when you are asexual, it's not like you want a relationship, even less so when you're aro/ace, so there's no regrets there.

Again, you don't really expect someone to criticise your sexuality in that way (of course that cannot be said for all people. After coming out, my friends were really supportive and the lgbt+ society run by some sixth-formers in our school really helped me. I am extremely lucky to be in a safe space at school, and I feel really bad for those who aren't).

Anyway where was I?

Ah yes, criticising. Not only do straight people basically say "I'm sorry for you being your true self and having the bravery to tell other people", you get criticism from some people the lgbt community it as well. Those who have come out as gay may think your just in the closet, and say that it's not that bad once you come out.

Me: "But I have come out!"

Them:"Yeah but you just not sure yet. Don't worry I thought I was asexual too, until I realised that I just liked girls."

Me:*AAAAAAGAGGGGGHHHHGGAGGHHHHAAHAHHGGGGGHHHHH* sorry what did you say I didn't quite hear you never mind have a nice day :)"

Please, don't feel sorry for us, the majority of us are quite content with who we are, and it would be a courtesy if you were to accept that fact.

Thankyou for reading this lack-of-sleep-induced rant and have a wonderful day everyone


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