Michael Clifford: vampire

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Michael's POV

I watch the goosebumps that formed on y/n's naked skin as I ran my finger across her body. She was laying on her side, awake, pretending to be asleep. Her back was to me and she was almost falling off the bed because she was on the edge.

I ran my finger from the back of her neck to her naked bottoms. "Michael stop." She said sternly and most definitely awake. "Stop ignoring me then. Talk to me." I say putting the palm of my hand on her waist.

"What do you want me to say when the love of my life of one year just told me he doesn't want to have sex?!" She says sitting up and turning towards me. She gave me a 'are you stupid?!' look.

"I can't okay?" I say sitting up too. Except I'm fully clothed.

I just came back from my family's house to find y/n naked and waiting for me. She admitted to me that she was sexually frustrated and that through the whole year I have never touched her in that way. She was pouty so I couldn't stop myself from kissing her. But when she held on to me and rubbed herself on me like a cat, I knew I had to stop her. I could break her.

"Is there something you're not telling me? Do you have aids?" She asks angrily confused. My poor angel.

"You're ridiculous. I'm gonna go eat." I said as I felt my stomach twist and turn horribly. "Don't you trust me?" She says as I make my way to the door. I set my hand on the door knob and turn around to give her crazy look.

"I trust you with my whole life." If only she knew I never really die. If only she knew that out of all the girlfriends I've ever had, she doesn't compare to them. If only she knew she was beyond them. I'm hungry.

"Then what aren't you telling me, Michael?" She says as tears start to brim her eyes.

Are you kidding me?! So yes I've dated a whole country of girl but I still don't know how to control tears. I always avoid making her the slightest amount of sad because I'm not good at this. Agh!

"Let me just go get food okay?" I say twisting the door knob slowly. "Stop thinking about food! Dang it! Just tell me right now or I'll leave for good!" She says standing and stomping her foot on the ground like a child.

I bang my head against the door and groan. This woman will be the literal death of me. "Have it your way." I say rushing out the door and leaving her to stand there naked.


"Thanks man." I say once more as I leave Ashton's house. He had that really good blood that was rare to find. Fuck him and his luck.

I quickly head back to my house and it's nearly 3AM. The house looks empty and there's no cars outside.

I skip the shower and kitchen and just head to my room. Before I open the door I sense movement and I knew y/n was still there. I hear a small sniffle and I was right.

"Y/n?" I ask opening the door. And there she laid with a big hoodie on as she stared into my personal drawer on my side of the bed.

"Why didn't you tell me?" She says sniffling into my sweater again. "You have a wife?" She says taking my old ring out.

"Ex, you snooping girl. She died." I say sitting on her side of the bed. I let out a sigh as I took off my boots. "How?" She asks as I feel her lay down on the messy sheets.

"Old age." I say with no hesitation.

Loraine Heath was the only one of my girlfriends that I married. She was gorgeous. Blonde, perfect body, beautiful grey eyes, soft small hands. Obviously the perfect body only lasted till she entered her 50's. She knew I was a vampire but she didn't want to be changed into one. She wanted to be normal and I respected that. So she died in my arms at He age of 99, a whole 24 hours before she turned 100. I loved her a lot. But I love y/n more so I'm willing to tell her the truth. Even if she might not want to join this dark side of mine.

"What do you mean?" I hear her delicate voice. "What I mean is that I'm a vampire." I say turning my body so I can see her face. Her face doesn't change and her eyes are still the same.

"That's it?" She asks after 30 seconds. "Now, what do you mean?" I ask. "You're a vampire. That's it?" She says sitting up and tilting her head.

"Aren't you wanting to jump off a window right now?" I ask with a 'huh' face. "This isn't the reaction you were expecting, I suppose." She says getting on her knees and crawling towards me. Like an animal.

She puts her hands on my shoulders and leans down to kiss my neck. I let out a small groan as she kisses a weak spot on it. "Y/n." I whisper as she runs her hands down my chest.

"Michael. Bite me."

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