Calum Hood: hitting

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Warning: involves hitting a teen. I personally believe that it's okay to hit your child to discipline them. I've gotten my ass whooped and I'm better than ever. I don't agree with a child being hit without a reason.
Y/n's POV
My jaw dropped to the floor the moment I felt my own child's hand against my cheek. Not in a loving way but in a way a child should never touch their mother.

"Kate Lizeth Hood! Go to your room right now young lady!" I yell. She huffs and puffs stomping her feet up the stairs. After hitting me she had the audacity to continue her tantrum.

"I want all your electronics down here in five minutes." I scream as her door slams. "Fuck off!" She yells.

"Woah. What's with all the yelling?" Calum asks coming into the house from the studio basement. The boys trailing behind him.

"Your daughter decided it was okay to slap me then slam her door after telling me to 'fuck off'." All the boys dropped their mouths in sync and gave me wide eyes.

The sting on my cheek worsened and I feel my eyes water. I leave them standing their like dead fish and run to Calum and I's room, sobbing. How could she?

All of this because I told her it's not okay to have a new boyfriend every week and that she shouldn't be partying like she does at the age of sixteen.

When did my sweet girl get like this? I heard the front door shut and then feet stomping up the stairs. The screams were so clear.

"Get out of my house!" He yells. I shake my head in disbelief and let out a small cry.

"What?" She screeches.

"You will not disrespect my wife under her own roof! You want to act like an adult then you can get the hell out!" He screams. I can imagine how red he is.

"You're fucking bluffing!" Then next thing I hear is slaps of what I assumed was his belt. I shake my head and bury it in my hands.

"We avoided disciplining you with belts as a child but we should have. Your behavior now is what I get for listening to your mom." He says harshly.

Why aren't all the rooms soundproof like the basement?

I crawl from the floor the my bed and lay, silently crying to myself. I never agreed with Calum spanking our kids because it's so scary and hurts terribly. A parent should never do it when they're angry but when they're in control. Calum is short tempered when it comes to people's rudeness or even our own kids but I have always stopped him.

"Baby?" I hear his voice. I look from the wall to the door and see him standing there with the belt in his hands. "Are you okay?" He asks making his way towards me, forgetting the belt.

"Just cuddle me, please." I say grabbing onto his shirt. He strips to his boxers and gets in after locking our door.

"I know you didn't want me to hit her but it was necessary." He kisses my forehead.

We lay facing each other and his long fingers threaded their way into my head, soothing me. "I understand but let's not talk about it right now."

"Okay. I love you."

"I love you too."

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