Chapter 22: Have fun while it lasts.

Start from the beginning

"I did not look like a good kid." He puts his hands on his waist.

"You wore glasses." I shrug.

"I still wear glasses."

"You do?" I ask.


"Cool. So what are you making?"

"Spaghetti bolognese." He grins.

"Do you usually cook for yourself?"

"Nope. The chef does it but he's not here today."

"Okay. Do you need help?"

"You ask too many questions but yes, I do."


We sit in the dining table with our plates in front of us. Everyone is here except for Liam.

"Liam!" Brian shouts. "We're fucking hungry man so you better come out. We're tired of waiting!"He adds.

I glare at him and the others laugh.

"Where is he, Amelia?" Colton asks me.

"One of the guest rooms," I reply. He hasn't come out since I left him in the guest room and that was like an hour ago.

I sigh and get up from my chair.

I check the room that I was with earlier and he isn't there. I walk through the hallways calling out his name but no answer.

My heart starts racing but I tell myself that I haven't checked the whole house so his probably somewhere.

I go up the stairs and open the door to Rob's room. Liam is peacefully sleeping in Rob's bed. He looks so cute! I move to him and gently shake him.

"Liam," I say his name softly.

"Huh?" He rubs his eyes and gets up. "Was I sleeping?"

"No, you were dancing." I roll my eyes and he chuckles.

"It's dinner time. Let's go" I put my hand in his and pulled him up. More like he pulled himself but whatever.

"Did you guys order something?" He asks.

I shake my head. "No, Rob cooked."

"Okay. I need to wash my face. Will you wait for me?" His voice is still husky and he still looks sleepy.


Some few minutes later, Liam comes out of the bathroom and we head to the dining room.


After eating, we go back to the living room to chill.

"I feel like we were all meant to be friends but Liam and Amelia got in the way," Ian speaks.

"What?" I look at him.

The others also look up and give him curious looks.

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