"Never mind. I'm really sorry for that, Helene," I hung up the phone when my eyes locked with Grayson's just before he arrived at my cubicle.

I had absolutely no words for him. I was left speechless and it was out of pure embarrassment and anger. The way he spoke to Helene was absolutely unbelievable and it made me forget the act of kindness he shared with me this morning.

"I'll be right back, Andrea. I'm heading to the lunch room quickly," I told the young woman who works at the cubicle beside me. Her tongue was half way out her mouth while staring at Grayson and I don't think she even fully understood what she was nodding her head to.

I stood up, grabbing Grayson's arm that was filled with too much muscle for me to fully wrap my hand around. Despite our height difference, he still let me drag him all the way to the lunch room. It was only around two in the afternoon and for the most part, everyone had eaten lunch.

"I quite honestly don't even know what to tell you right now, Grayson. I feel humiliated," I admitted aloud before he rose an eyebrow. He looked at me like humiliation is something he couldn't understand.


"Yes. Why would you show up at my workplace? Not only show up at my workplace, but threaten the secretary?" My hand gestures were all over the place and it easily becomes something I can't control when I'm upset. I leaned back when I noticed him subtlety roll his eyes at me. "Did you just roll your eyes at me?" I snapped.

"No I was...no," he seemed to be shocked that I called him out. Likely not used to someone pointing out his rudeness.

"Good. Because I am not the one."

He sighed before speaking. "The secretary was incompetent. Who ever is in charge needs to work on hiring people who actually know how to do their job. If she worked for me, she wouldn't survive a day. The fact that she didn't know who I am adds to her incompetence. I shouldn't have to introduce myself," he spoke the most stupid words I could ever listen to. I wanted to rip my hair out. He thinks being on Forbes' list of New York City's Most Eligible Bachelors means he's above everyone. "Regardless of that, I came to ask you what your schedule is."

I laughed. "Are you serious? You showed up at my work to ask what my schedule is?"

"Must I repeat everything, Kalani? Yes. What times do you usually work? Do you have a consistent schedule?" He pulled his phone from his pocket and acted almost like I was interrupting him. I leaned back with my jaw on the ground from how he was speaking to me.

"You're extremely rude today. Did someone piss in your cereal?"

He looked at me unimpressed. "Do I look like I eat cereal?" This man is insatiable. But before I could even respond, the lunch room door opened and there stood by boss.

When I first started, I found him attractive. He has blue eyes, blonde hair and despite only being a few inches taller than me, he's so charismatic it's hard not to like him. Especially since he's older—around the same age as Grayson—31. Now, after working with him for two years, the small heart sparkle has faded away.

"Hi, Kalani. Do you mind if I speak with you for a moment in my office?" Joshua stared at Grayson who now had his phone away and was looking at Joshua like dirt under his shoe. I felt like I was being caught in the cross fire of flying bullets.

"Yes, of course. Um," I looked at Grayson, hoping he would take the hint of me wanting him to leave. But the look he had on his face was frightening, like he was waiting for me to say the words 'leave.' "I need to go back to work now. I'll talk to you later," I crossed my arms, making my way out of the lunch room with Joshua beside me.

On the way to his office, he didn't bother asking me who I was just speaking to and I was honestly happy he didn't because I wouldn't know how to explain to him who Grayson is to me. I haven't made my pregnancy known to my coworkers because I'm not yet showing, and I plan to keep this private until I have no choice.

We arrived at his office that was plain as per usual. It consists of little to no personal artifacts. He gestured for me to sit across from him and I did just that. I didn't know what to make of this meeting. He never calls me into his office like this. When I've seen other people called into his office it's usually because they're fired.

"I've decided to open up a new marketing position. I want to expand things and I feel as if making a name for ourselves with social media will set us up well. You've been really excelling lately and I feel like you would be perfect for the position. You're young and knowledgeable. I think you'd tackle the social media marketing in a way I can't even begin to think about," he spoke and I could feel my heart racing a mile a minute. Promotions and position openings rarely happen and the fact that he was giving me both was the best thing I could've asked for. "I had office space opened up for you. You should be able to move in there by the end of today if you're ready. You can start the new position next week Monday." I had to stop myself from squealing because my excitement was through the roof.

"I-I don't even know how to thank you. Thank you!" My smile was beaming and it made a smile appear on his face.

"Don't thank me. This is all your own doing," he insisted and I stood to my feet, shaking his hand and doing my best to compose myself on the way out of the office. I'm going to have my own office. And social media marketing is my forte. Things at work have always been good, but this is better than I ever could have imagined.

Going back to my cubicle, I was basically floating. My smile couldn't go away, until I spotted who was seated at my desk like he belonged there. Grayson made my cubicle and chair seem miniature.

"What are you still doing here?" I asked as he got out of my seat for me to sit. "Can you please leave? I'm serious, Grayson."

"I don't like him," Grayson expressed and I couldn't even be bothered to know who he was even talking about. I opened my laptop and began sifting through work emails all while he hovered. He leaned against the cubicle wall, examining a few of the photos and doodles I had in here.

"What are you complaining about now?" I asked not because I care but because I knew he wouldn't leave until he got what he wanted. He should be worried about finding a new wife and not bothering me at my place of work.

"That guy. I don't like him, Kalani," he expressed his opinion about Joshua like it mattered. I rolled my eyes, for some reason deciding to inform him about the promotion I just received. It was stupid of me to expect him to be happy for me. He didn't seem as excited as me and it really upset me. "Do you plan on working here your entire pregnancy?" Was all he had to say.

"Why does it matter to you? You've already expressed this pregnancy is an inconvenience to you," I kept my eyes on my laptop screen, trying to process my thoughts and these stupid emails at the same time. I want to be excited about my promotion and he's ruining this for me.

"I wouldn't say inconvenience. I would describe it as a minor hiccup in my well thought out plan for my life. With that being said, I always have a backup plan," he muttered the last part to himself.

"Are you done? Because I need to work," my irritation came through in my voice. He was silent for a while before he crossed his arms.

"Send my assistant your schedule and future ultrasounds," he gave clear instructions that I for some reason questioned.

"Ultrasounds? Are you attending them regularly now?" I turned to look up at him. He pinched the bridge of his nose as he closed his eyes.

"Just do it."

"Why?" I narrowed my eyes on him. For someone who said they don't want children, it seemed odd he was making effort to attend my ultrasounds or even show up at my place of work.

"Because I said do it. I'm tired of repeating myself, Lani. Do it by the end of the day, please and thank you," he left before I could even process the fact that he said please or used the nickname Lani.

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