Chapter Twenty

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I sighed, walking into Starbucks. I rubbed my eyes as I walked behind the counter. Cole smirks.

"Rough morning?" Cole asked.

"Yeah. I woke up late and didn't get to do my makeup or anything." I yawned.

"Nicole. I told you a million times. You don't need all that makeup." Cole says.

"I look worse." I frowned.

"No, you don't. You look even better." Cole smiles.

"Not really, but thanks anyway." I continued frowning, looking down at the cash register.

Cole pulls me closer to him, grabbing my hand. "I don't know whose been telling you that you're not pretty, but you are gorgeous. With or without makeup, you are fucking gorgeous. Don't be insecure about yourself, be confident in yourself. Being insecure isn't good. Okay, just know that your drop dead gorgeous, and you're an amazing person. Okay?" Cole says.

I nodded, looking into his eyes. Just looking into his eyes, Cole truly cares about me. We both lean in a little bit, but then we realized what we were doing and pulled away.

"Um, can I make my own coffee here? I need to wake up." I said, looking at all the coffee stuff.

"You're woke." Cole smirks.

"Shut up." I say, lightly shoving him.

"Yeah. You can make your own coffee.. that's one of the perks here. You get it for free." Cole says.

I nodded. I turned around and made a random concoction. I took a sip, and my concoction was sour but sweet. I thought it would make me more energized, but it didn't.

"Can I taste?" Cole asked.

I gave him my drink. "Trust me- it's weird."

Cole takes a sip. "Eh. It's okay. It tastes like that viral unicorn drink a few years ago."

I giggled a bit. "I can't finish it."

"Then I'll drink it. It's not that bad."

Two Months Later

"How much money do you have?" Cole asked me as we stood in line together.

"Like.. ten dollars." I said. "That's enough money, right?"

"Yeah." Cole says.

We bought our ice cream and sat down next to each other. We enjoyed our ice cream until Lia and Jacob walked up to us.

"Hey guys." I smiled.

"Hey." They smiled back. "Did you get a man without telling us?" Lia asked, making all of us laugh.

"No. His name is Cole. He's a great friend-

"Ex." Cole interrupts.

"Yeah. And now he's my friend." I smiled.

"Oh, is it that ex that you wanted to make jealous so you kissed me at the pool?" Jacob, the 'smart ass' says.

"Jacob." Lia and I say at the same time.

Cole smirks at me. I smirked back.

"There's definitely something going on between you two." Lia smirks.

"There's nothing, really." I said.

"We watched you guys all day smirk, wink, and get touchy with each other all day. Don't fool us." Jacob says.

"I would've said something if we were together." I said.

"If you guys really are friends, why didn't you invite us so we can all hang as friends together?" Lia asked.

"I don't know, okay! You guys are all turning into Madison. I'm going home." I said, leaving the table and leaving the ice cream there.

Cole follows me. "They're just asking us if we're together, calm down."

"I say no, yet they still bother us." I frowned.

We got to my house and sat on the couch. It was silent between us.

"I really want you back." Cole blurts out.

I looked at him. He looked shocked, like he didn't mean to say it out loud.

"Um, I should get going now." Cole changes the subject.

"Or you can stay." I mumbled.

We both looked at each other. Cole smashes his lips against mine, and I kiss him back with our lips moving in sync. Cole pushes me down on the couch, continuing to kiss me.

"Then I'll have you back." I say, panting as we pulled away.

A Different Kind Of Love • Teen Fictionحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن