Chapter Twelve

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"Good morning." Cole says, still half asleep.

"Good morning." I softly smiled, rubbing my eyes.

"I wish we can lay and cuddle here all day." Cole said, wrapping his arms around me.

"I know. But we need to get to school." I said, looking into his eyes.

We both sat up. Cole has been staying over a lot lately, since Cole is tired of taking care of his dad. Cole sent his dad to rehab so he'd stop thinking. I know, Cole used to drink but he was able to control it. On the other hand, his dad can't. Cole doesn't want to be alone so he stays here with my mom and I.

My dad is still with us, but he's visiting his family in Canada. Actually, he's lived there for almost a year. He wants to get closer to his family because his mom is sick, and he wants to spend as much time with her and his family before something bad happens to them. But, he's still in contact with us. That's good.

We both got ready for school. When I finish my morning routine, I went to sit to go do my makeup. Cole walks back in the room, sitting next to me.

"Babe, you don't need all that makeup. You look perfect just the way you are." Cole says, wrapping his arms around me.

"Do you think so?" I looked in the mirror.

"Yes. I tell you this every single say, my sweet tart." Cole says, kissing my cheek.

"Don't call me sweet tart again." I tried not to laugh.

"Fine. Come on, let's go eat breakfast." Cole grabs my hand softly.

We went downstairs and my mom already made breakfast for us. We sat down at the table and started eating the pancakes. We didn't say much to each other. We just wanted to enjoy the food.


We arrive at school and walked in holding hands. Immediately right after we stepped into the school, everybody looks at us. The hallways went silent. I furrowed my eyebrows, confused.

"Cole, why's everybody staring at us?" I whispered.

"I don't know. But let's keep going." Cole said.

We got to my locker. Then, and there, we both get a text at the same exact time. Everybody started whispering, and some even started laughing a little.

We both looked down at our phones, and there it was. A video of us last night. Making out in Cole's car. My heart froze when I saw the caption. 'He's using her for sex, and she's a slut.'

My eyes started watering. I try to walk to the bathroom, but then Cole pulls me back.

"We're going to be okay, alright?" Cole says.

"Just give me a minute." I say, my voice shaking.

I tried not to cry until I got to the bathroom, but I couldn't hold my tears in anymore. I start bursting out crying halfway to the bathroom. Everybody wouldn't stop staring at me. Madison was included in the crowd.

I get to the bathroom and started sobbing. Why? Why is there people in the world that ruins everything?

After calming myself down, I head back out in the hallway. I hear yelling. Everybody is crowded around someone- or a few people.

I get closer and I realize it's Cole beating someone up.

"She's not a fucking slut! I'm not fucking using her for sex!" Cole yells, throwing punches at someone.

"Cole, Nicole! Come to my office now!" The principal calls out, breaking up the fight.

We do the walk of shame to the principal's office. We both sat down in the chairs. The principal sighs.

"Cole. No beating up people, okay? Or else you're going to get another suspension... or even worse." The principal says.

"Yeah... I'm sorry. People were bothering us out there." Cole sighs.

"So you guys are obviously aware of the video of you two going around, right?" He asked.

"Yes." We both say.

"Do you have any idea of who filmed you guys? Or have any idea of who leaked it?" The principal says.

I froze. I turned to look at Cole. He realizes something too.

"Jordyn." We both say at the same time.

"Why do you guys think that?" His eyes widen.

"Well, she doesn't like us. Jordyn is Cole's ex, and she's always wanted revenge for Cole breaking up with her. She's also jealous. The video was at the restaurant she works at. Jordyn was our waitress for the night, and it seemed like she was planning something. We left the restaurant right after and went to Cole's car, and you know, we did that. And right as we were leaving the parking lot, we see Jordyn outside with her phone in her hands." I explained.

"Wow. Okay. I'm gonna call her down now." The principal says, grabbing the mic.

"Jordyn Andrews, please come down to the principal's office." He says.

After a few minutes, Jordyn comes down. "Yes?"

"Let me see your phone." The principal simply says.

"Uh, what?"

"Let me see your phone. And unlock your phone as well."

Jordyn nervously unlocks her phone, her hands shaking. Jordyn hands her phone over to the principal.

After a few minutes, the principal sets the phone down.

"Jordyn, I'm going to have to expel you for recording and leaking the footage of Cole and Nicole's moment together." The principal says.


"You wouldn't have gotten caught if your dumbass deleted the videos and messages." The principal says, making Cole and I wheeze, which went unnoticed.


"I'll make a phone call to your parents. Go pack everything in your locker." The principal said.

Jordyn leaves the office, upset.

"So people are saying you're using Nicole. Is that true?" He asked.

"No. I'd never. I love her." Cole casually says, my jaw mentally dropping and my eyeballs mentally falling off of my sockets.

He loves me?

I acted like I didn't hear it. It would be awkward if I said it now because it's not the right time. Wow.

My first boyfriend loves me.

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