Chapter Fifteen

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"Hey mom. When are we going to see dad?" I asked.

"We can't." Mom says.

"What? Why?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Canada is too far away. We don't have enough money to get a plane and I'm not driving there. Your dad is going to be fine, though. The doctors are going to make him come back after he's better." Mom explains.

"Oh." I just say.

"So how was school?" Mom asked.

"We took finals today. I think I did decent." I smiled.

"That's good." Mom smiles.

"I'm going over to Cole's house. I'll see you later." I said, walking to the door.

"Wait- can I talk to you about something?" Mom asked.

"Yeah, what is it?" I turned around.

"Are you guys... um safe? Like safe sex and all? I noticed you two do it a lot." Mom awkwardly asks.

"Yeah... we're safe." I said. "Bye."


I arrive at Cole's house. I knocked on his door and nobody answered. Cole told me where his extra key was, so I looked under the deck and found a pot with a key inside of it.

I feel like I'm being snoopy and clingy, but I just want to see my boyfriend. His car is in the driveway, actually two. Hopefully I'm not invading anything.

I unlock his door and walked into the living room. "Cole? Babe? Are you home?" I call out.

I heard nothing. I walk into the kitchen and there he was. Hugging another girl.

"Cole? What are you-

They both pull away. "Nicole. Let me explain! I'm not cheating."

"We're-" The girl tries to speak out.

"Yeah. Then get your hands off of her. I trusted you." I say, not thinking of any other possibility of who that girl could be.

I leave, Cole chasing after me. "Nicole! Trust me-

"I don't trust you. Not anymore. I knew I shouldn't have gotten with someone like you. It was bound to happen anyways." I leave.


It's been a few months. I'm actually off to college. I tried getting over Cole, but he wouldn't get out of my mind. I need to get that pumpkin eater off of my mind.

For almost a month, Cole kept calling and texting me. I blocked him after a few days. And he tried to get my attention at school, but it wasn't bothering me.

So hopefully he doesn't go to the same college I'm attending.

A Different Kind Of Love • Teen FictionTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon