Chapter Eighteen

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"I really need a job. Like, I need to make MONEY but I don't want the job to be hard, you know?" I say to Lia and Jacob, who I was in a 3 way call with.

"You should work at Starbucks. You've had experience making coffee, and the Starbucks near by you pays their workers a lot of money. They are also hiring." Lia explains.

Cole works there... shit. But I really need money, and I don't have to talk to him. I'll see if I can work there. It's not going to be that bad.


I walked to Starbucks. I opened the door and walked in. Cole looks up. I walked over to him.

"See, I don't know why you come here. Maybe it's because you want coffee- but is it a way for you to get closer to me? Because it's not working." He whispers harshly.

"No. I need a job." I said.

"Oh." Cole awkwardly says. "Fill out this form right now and bring it to that folder over there. Chances are you're going to get the job because nobody even asked for the job yet."

I nodded, grabbing the form and the pen. His hand touched mine a little. It wasn't as warm as when I was dating him. It was stone cold.

I shivered a little, turning around and sitting at the table. When I finished filling out the form, I stood up and walked over to the folder. Cole wipes his eyes and I furrowed my eyebrows.

I decided to be a nice person and ask him. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine." He says, his eyes red.

I saw a small glimpse of what he was looking at. A picture of him and his girlfriend that was torn in half. He noticed that I saw it.

Cole sighs. "Long story short, my girlfriend of two years broke up with me last night. She just said she fell out of love. I yelled at her and she took my favorite picture of us and ripped it in half, throwing it on the ground. She left me."

My eyes watered as I heard that. I've never seen him so hurt. He was probably as hurt as when I dumped him, but I never seen how hurt he was.

"I'm sorry." I frowned.

He doesn't say anything. I heard the door open and I turn around. I ordered quickly and left. I feel bad for him.


I was watching Netflix until my phone rang. I grabbed my phone and answered it. It was from an unknown number.

"Hello?" I nervously answered.

"Hello. This is Andy, the manager of Starbucks. I'd like to say you got the job. Congratulations. Your shift starts tomorrow from 8:30am to 12:30pm. There's also no dress code, you just have to wear an apron. Don't be late." Is all he said and he hung up.

A sigh of relief went through me as I set my phone down. I finally have a job after years of looking for one.


I woke up extra early this morning for work. I dressed appropriately. I wore a black t-shirt with dark washed skinny jeans, and white converse.

I waited for time to pass by. Once it was 8:25, I started to head out. Once I got to Starbucks, it was 8:29. I waited a minute since I don't have the key. Cole walks over and I looked up at him. His eyes were still red.

Cole unlocks the door and we both walked in.

"I knew you were going to get the job." Cole says.

"Is that a bad thing?" I asked.

"No. Not at all." He says.

"Oh." I say awkwardly.

"You know your work schedule, right?" Cole asked.

"Yeah. I think so. 8:30-12:30." I said.

"Okay. I'm surprised you're not wearing your typical heels." Cole says as I followed him behind the counter.

I'm starting to warm up to him a bit.

"I didn't think it would be appropriate for me to wear." I explained.

I watched as Cole realizes there is still the ripped picture of him and his girlfriend. He crumbles it up and throws it in the trash can. I sighed.

"Is there like, water anywhere?" I asked.

"What? Is it getting hot in here?" Cole smirks.

"Shut up." I smirked.

The old Cole is back.

"It's over there." Cole points. "If you haven't noticed."


After a long day of work, Cole and I had to clean the place up. I didn't realize how dirty it can get after 4 hours. Also- a kid threw up today because of a cake pop. I'm guessing it was too sweet? I don't know, but the parents cleaned it up but there's still stains.

I rubbed the cloth on the table. I heard footsteps behind me but I continued cleaning the table.

"What have you been doing after all these years? After we um- broke up?" Cole asked.

"Nothing much. I moved into my own house. You?" I said.

"Yeah. Same." Cole says. "I've stopped doing all those nasty drugs and alcohol."

"That's good. You've been looking more- nice." I blurted.

"And right back at you, Nicole." Cole winks.

I mentally slapped myself. Why is he winking at me and smirking at me again? I'm not trying to be a rebound.

"Cole- look, I don't know why you've been winking and smirking at me, but I don't want to be your rebound." I said awkwardly.

"And I don't want a rebound, Nicole. I just want everything back like the way it was. Not like in a relationship thing- a friendship thing. I want everything to be like when we first started being friends in high school, before we dated. I'm sorry if I sound crazy- but are we chill?" Cole asked.

"We're chill."

"Good. Now unblock me from your phone." Cole smirks.

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