Chapter 1

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Bella's POV

"Bella sweetheart, I love you so very much," my mother said softly, brushing through the tangles in my hair.

"Mommy, do you love daddy too?"

"Of course, baby. He's just... too busy to see us," she spoke calmly, with worry lacing her tone.

"Mommy, I'm almost six years old!"

"Yes baby, you need to stop growing up so fast. You're my little girl forever."

"Mommy, do you-"

"Get up, slut." I was woken by the sound of my stepmother slapping me.

Jesus fucking Christ - that was one reality check. My asshole of a fucking stepmother continues to remind me everyday why lighting this house on fire isn't that bad of an idea. Because maybe it's not - then that way I could die and see my mother in the after life.

Well, maybe fire wouldn't be the way to go. Isn't that like, the most painful way to die?

I do have one person who makes my existence feel worthy. My best friend Nicole. It just so happens she has a phenomenal relationship with her parents that I get to witness way too often. I'd be lying if I didn't admit that it made me jealous.

"Mmm," I mumbled, getting out of bed.

After taking a quick shower I hurrily braided my hair and slapped on a heavy amount of foundation and concealer to hide the fact that my home life was shit and while my sleep may be peaceful sometimes - it isn't always. Hence the purple bags beneath my dark brown eyes.

I decide to wear my black tank top with a green flannel that is slightly bigger than when I originally purchased it. Some thoroughly ripped black jean shorts hide under my bed where I snatched them up and didn't hesitate to put them on, disregarding the fact that I was technically wearing black on black.

"Well would you look at that, the whore finally walks in looking... well... how do whores typically look? Fucking hideous, Bella, that's how you look." Katherine, my stepmother, cackled.

"Calling me a whore is a bit rich from you, considering the fact that you've had every man's dick in this town up your ass," I said, pushing her out of the way and walking towards the door.

I heard her gasp before walking out. She's probably shocked I actually stood up to her. Since I never really have the courage to do so. I mean it's not a frequent occurrence but I'm just exhausted of having to deal with her bullshit.

I sped up my walking just slightly to ensure that I would make it to school on time.

"Hey boo!" My best friend Nicole said as she wrapped her arms around my neck.

"JESUS! I had to deal with my stepmother before I started walking, give me a break," I laughed noticing a sad look grow on Nicole's face.

"What'd that bitch do this time?"

"Well, she fucking woke me up by slapping me. Then, she called me a whore," I said. I realized that I said it a little too casually but the truth was that it was a common occurrence. Nicole knew that. But I'm sure it still hurt to hear it happening given I was her best friend.

"I keep telling you, Bella, you can come live with me! My parents know about what happens at your house and they are willing to let you stay there until the end of our senior year! Plus, they love you more than me," Nicole giggled.

"Yeah, I know, I'm only staying there for my dad. Katherine treats him like shit, too, so I gotta help him out."

"But Bella he doesn't help you out when you're getting abused," Nicole made a point.

She was indeed right. If my stepmother was doing anything to me, he'd just stand and watch. But I knew deep down he wanted to do something, he just couldn't stand up to Katherine because he knew what she was capable of.

"Well, I don't care. I'm going to help him," was the last thing I said before walking into the school.


    The bell rang, and I sat and watched as kids happily left Mr. Connel's math class.

However, when I left, something different happened.

"Hey babydoll," Mr. Connel said, winking at me.

Nobody else was in the room now, but me and him.

What a damned pervert.

"What do you want, Mr. Connel?"
I said disrespectfully.

He ignored my rude tone, and answered quite simply, "I want you to come sit over here on my desk."

"Mr. Connel, you're 30 years old. Get a grip on your fucking life, I'm your student for Chris' sake." I said, starting to walk out the door.

He grabbed my arm harshly, adding, "I wasn't asking, Bella."

He picked me up with rough, calloused hands and sat me on his desk.

"Finally. I have you all to myself," Mr. Connel said before grabbing a pair of handcuffs from his drawer.

Luckily for me, Nicole passed by the door and saw the disturbing scene in real life.

"Mr. Connel, what the hell are you doing to Bella? She's a student." Nicole started getting angrier, every word coming out of her mouth like fire.

"She asked for it. Is that what you came here to do, as well?" He winked, sending a shiver of disgust down my spine. Not to mention the fact that he lied about the whole situation.

Nicole knew better though. She saw the shock and pure horror on my face as I had no way of disguising it.

"Hell to the no," she yelled.

She mouthed "RUN!" to me, just as Mr. Connel was preparing the handcuffs.

I pushed his hard body away from me as her and I ran out of the door and kept running until we made it to our lockers.

"Did he touch you sexually, in any way?" Nicole asked between pants.


"Oh thank God," she said.

"Thanks for being there, though," I said.

"Of course. And, we'll report him and make sure the staff checks the cameras. The cameras will see what Mr. Connel did to you, and he'll get what he deserved," Nicole smiled.

I grinned, feeling a sense of comfort in that.

"Anyway, let's go, class starts in thirty seconds." She grabbed my hand as we walked down the hall.


"Can't wait to stay over tonight!" I squealed.

"Yeah, I mean you deserve a break from Kathy. I can't stand knowing my bestie is constantly being abused and shamed for fucking breathing." Nicole patted my back.

"Thank you," I hugged her.

I took one more step, just to run into an extremely tall male body with emerald green eyes looking directly at me.


After four years I finally got around to give this chapter a thorough editing. I hope it's better than what it was before. I hope you all grow to love the characters as much as I have.
Love ya!!


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