Holy fuck

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"Wait what- what the goddamn fuck?"
"Yeah this is... mhm... a liiiitle awkward. But, just wanted to let you know... 'cause oTHERWISE... y-yeah. 'Love your fellow man' but 'no man doth lie with another man' an' I'm not takin' anymore chances... I... I'm sorry. I- maybe I should've told you sooner."

Mark and Jack were sitting on Mark's (not their) bed; one couldn't seem to pick up his jaw whilst the other wore a tight grimace on his face.

"But- they can't!! They CANNOT be real! This is just all some elaborate prank! Seán, I know you DID NOT have those before!"
"I c'n kinda hide 'em..."
"He works in strange and mysterious ways?" Jack shrugged, letting his wings fall with his shoulders and lay half on the mattress. "I'm sorry, maybe I should just... leave..."
"NO!!" Mark grabbed Jack by the arm before he could scoot off the bed. "...Seán. I just... I'm trying to believe this is real... but..." Mark worried his lip between his teeth, he needed something to cement that the wings on Jack's back were tangible. "Can... may I touch... your... your wings, Seán? Please, I know it will help me."
"...sure. Yeah, go ahead, Mark." No one has EVER touched them before, but there's no doubt in Jack's mind if anyone ever will, Mark will, right now. Jack wants him to know this is not just a prank or some dream.

Jack and Mark each took a deep, anxious breath in unison as Jack turned around from facing Mark, to showing his back to him. Mark reached out his hand and brushed his fingertips against the opalescent white feathers on the outer edge of Jack's wing.
Jack tried to remain calm for Mark, even though his uneasiness could be clearly seen and felt in his tensing muscles. What will happen after this? Will they stop whatever they had together? Will they at least remain... friends?
Mark wrapped his arms around Jack's lower back and stomach and pulled him into a hug. "We're going to be okay, alright?"
Jack swallowed. "Okay..."
"We are." Mark's hands slid from Jack's stomach, up his back and to the base of his wings, where Mark spread his hands out flat. "We're going to get through this, and no matter the outcome... I'll always be here for you. Now, how about a back... and wing massage? I can get aquatinted with your wings, and we can both try to relax before figuring out what our next steps after this will be. Sound good?"
"It sounds swell." Jack smiled. It's nice to see that even after finding out Jack is a FREAKING ANGEL, Mark still wants to do their typical things together.

((Okay I'm gonna publish this but it'll probably never get finished))

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