4: "Do you want to practice with me?"

Start from the beginning

"Now's not a good time," he whispered, his hand cupped around his mouth and device. The person he'd answered to was Jimin. He knew it just from the way his breathing sounded.

"Where the hell did you disappear to?" the caller asked impatiently. "I need to talk to you about something. It's important."

"I can't talk here, Jimin." There were whispers too quiet to distinguish from behind him, prompting a roll of his eyes. "Where are you?"

"The restroom."

"Which restroom?"

"They're going to meet in a school restroom?" the higher-pitched one clarified, giggling a little. "I didn't think two guys would be so active."

"The east wing one closest to the lunch room. Hurry up! It's urgent." Jimin ended the call, and Jungkook glared once more at the two males behind him. One was covering his mouth with his hand, the other seemingly trying to get something done. He shook his head. They watched him as he left the library, then returned to what they were best at.

"Who tops?"


Jimin paced, chewing on his fingernails. Why had she suddenly noticed him? They didn't share any classes and never spoke before that. The idea of it being a prank was all he could think until his friend arrived with a face of worry.

"Why did you need to see me? What is it?" Jungkook examined him immediately upon entering, looking him up and down with those dark eyes. "Are you okay?"

"Not really!" Jimin replied in a strained voice. "I'm so embarrassed-"

"I think I know what this is about," the younger interrupted quietly, nodding with a mission in his eyes. He put his hands on the older's sides and got onto his knees.

"What the hell are you doing?" Jimin asked in a loud whisper. "Get up!"

Jungkook made a shushing sound before letting go of his friend to put his hands on the floor instead. He leaned down to look under the stalls, clarifying no one was in there. "Alright," --he used a normal volume now-- "we're okay." The taller of the two grabbed onto the other's sleeve, being shaken off once he was on his feet.

"Wash your hands."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. I know how you are." Jungkook obeyed, moving for the sinks and pushing the base of his hand into the button of the soap dispenser. An amused smile played across his lips as he lathered up his hands and placed them beneath a running faucet. "A, B, C, D, E, F, G. . ." His expression remained playful. Jimin's? Quite the opposite. "I'm doing it just how you taught me. You proud?"

"I'll be proud when you take something seriously for once. I'm trying to vent to you and you're messing around."

"Washing my hands is not 'messing around', Jiminssi." He lifted his head and met Jimin's gaze through the mirror. "I'll request your humble apology."

The shorter one sighed loudly, very clearly annoyed. "This was a mistake." He turned around and headed for the door. Jungkook hurried to turn the water off and pull a paper towel from the dispenser, passing Jimin to stand in front of the door.

"I'm sorry," he apologized in a sincere voice, no smile present as he dried his hands. "I'll stop messing around."

Jimin sighed again, that one more out of calming down rather than irritation. "I'm just stressed. You don't have to say sorry. Can you help me now?"

"Oh, right." Jungkook leaned back against the door now. He tossed the balled up paper towel into the nearby trash can. "Did she notice or are you just humiliated?"

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