"Did you have some of Coran's cooking?" Keith asked.

"I would never eat that shit," Lance said. "Especially not when I'm pregnant." 

"Well if it happens again we're seeing Coran," Keith said.

"Deal," Lance nodded. "Let's go watch an Altean movie and commentate since we have no clue what the fuck is actually happening."

"As you command."


Okay this is starting to get weird, Lance thought as the pain hit him again. It was sharper this time, and it lasted longer. Fuck it hurt. Lance bit his lip hard enough to draw blood, so that he wouldn't yell.

Lance shifted again, hoping the pain would go away if he changed positions. Keith eyed his strangely. "Lance?"

Finally Lance couldn't hold it in anymore. "AUUUUGH!" he screamed, causing Keith to jump a foot in the air. "Keith! Keith it hurts!" he sobbed, Keith jumped into action at that, picking Lance up and racing into the med bay. 

"Lance! Babe, what's wrong?" he cried as he ran. "What's happening?"

"It hurts, it hurts," Lance wailed as yet another wave of pain hit him. 

"Keith, what's going on?" Coran said as he ran over to where the omega was wailing. The rest of the pack was already in the med bay. 

"I don't know," Keith said, beginning to panic. "He just keeps saying it hurts! His stomach, I think."

"Keith, you're fucking stupid," Pidge called. Keith growled. "Lance is clearly going into labor."

"WHAT!?" Lance screeched. "No! No I'm not, she's not due for another week!"

"Lance, she's coming and you can't stop it," Pidge said, running over to hold Lance's hand. She knew exactly what was happening. Pidge was with her aunt when she gave birth, and she was terrified. Lance was starting to freak out. 

"I'm not ready, Pidge." Lance said, tears flowing freely down his face.

"Yes you are," Pidge said, looking Lance deeply in the eyes. "I promise. You're strong. You can do it." 

"O....Okay.." Lance hiccuped. Keith carried Lance away, following Coran into a separate room. The pack members just stared, fear for their pack omega the only feeling in their hearts. 

Keith set Lance on a table, and helped Coran remove his clothes. Lance screamed when the contractions got worse. "Coran, do you have anything to help with the pain?" Keith cried.

"I'm sorry Keith, but the medicine here would hurt the pup." Coran said, shaking his head sadly. This is not what he wanted to happen. But there was no way to modify the medicine properly. 

"It's okay Keith, I can handle it--OH MY FUCKING GOD!" Lance screamed, proving himself wrong when the pain of labor finally hit him. Lance vaguely felt his water break, but all he could really feel was the pain. 

It was impossible to explain. But he was going to try anyway.

Lance, to put it lightly, would have preferred to have all of his limbs broken at once, then shove his head through a meat grinder only to be eaten alive by a T-Rex! That's what he'd choose over this right now. 

Lance screamed, he screamed and wondered why the fuck this pup wasn't out of his body yet. 

Lance screamed until there was no vocal chords to scream with.

Then Lance wept.

"Lance, Lance, what can I do?" Keith cried, holding Lance's hand.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP AND HOLD ME!" Lance screamed as the pain grew steadily worse. Lance could fucking feel Clarissa's head pushing out. Fucking kill him. 

"Okay," Keith said.

And Lance screamed harder.


The cry disrupted the pain.

It was beautiful.

Lance felt tears well up when Coran handed him Clarissa. She was swaddled in a pink blanket. She was small, so small. And so perfect.

She had Lance's mocha skin but Keith's raven hair. She slowly opened her eyes and Lance cooed at them. They were beautiful and unique and perfect. her right eye was purple, like Keith's, but her left was the same shade as Lance's. 

"Hi," Lance whispered, touching her face gently. "Hi baby. Hi."

"Lance, she's beautiful," Keith croaked out, throwing another tissue into the steadily growing pile on the floor. 

"She is."

And Clarissa's cries rang throughout the castle, causing everyone's moods to brighten. Change had been coming, and it had finally arrived. The pack celebrated the newest addition to their home. 

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