Chapter 25

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"Lance stop running!" Keith screamed. Lance laughed as he ran, his stomach making the run difficult. Lance took a total of four steps before he was out of breath, allowing Keith to catch him.

"Damn you, nine-month-pregnancy-stamina," Lance said, rubbing his stomach happily. 

"Lancey, you can't be running!" Keith said, his eyes searching Lance for any injuries. 

"It's not running," Lance said, crossing his arms defensibly. Of course that was quite difficult. "It's waddling!" 

The past months have been quite tame, compared to the first month of Lance's pregnancy. Lance didn't go into a single battle, naturally, and all of the ones that they've faced have been minor. 

Lance was nine months pregnant and was due in a week. He had stole Keith's jacket and tried to run away with it, but once again...he can't exactly do that. Lance slipped the jacket on, ignoring the light-hearted glare sent his way by his soon-to-be-husband.

Oh, yeah, that's right.

Keith proposed. 

Lance was ecstatic when Keith took him on a date the beach planet. It was beautiful. The candle-lit dinner and proposal spelled out in the sand. Lance read it and then proceeded to almost have a heart-attack when Keith was on one knee. 

They decided to get married after Clarissa was born.

Oh right, they chose her name.

Clarissa Luna McClain-Kogane.

Has a nice ring to it, doesn't it?

The nursery was built and ready for her arrival. The whole team spent two weeks on it. It was large and painted pink and purple, with weblums painted across the walls. Her crib was beautiful, Allura claiming it was hers as a child.

Keith and Lance received the most beautiful gifts during their baby shower. Of Course Coran brought a literal shower. They all had a good laugh over that. Lance was so excited for Clarissa to arrive.

Don't get him wrong, getting pregnant with her was not something he regretted. Never. But being pregnant fucking sucks! Clarissa likes to sit on his bladder, and when she's feeling overly affectionate she likes to hug it. 

Lance is not ashamed to say that he's peed himself when he couldn't make it to the bathroom on time.

There will be quite a few interesting stories to tell Clarissa when she's older. Like the time Lance threw up on the ambassador from Basset Tu, a planet they were introducing into the alliance. He wasn't offended, however Lance was mortified. 

Or the other time when Lance, fucking ate every single cookie Hunk baked, and Lance was counting until Hunk was staring at him in surprise that he ate 89 cookies!

Or another time when Lance broke down sobbing because he couldn't find one of his socks and had to wear mismatched socks all day. In Lance's defense, it was truly a traumatic experience. 

However one of the good things about being pregnant was how overly protective Keith was. Sure it was annoying sometimes, like that one time when Keith threatened to chop off and force feed a random alpha's balls when he catcalled Lance. 

But mostly it was endearing. 

Lance was brought out of his thoughts by a sharp pain. He let out a confused breath of air. Shit, did he eat something that would cause him diarrhea? Lance let it go, when it didn't show up after a minute. 

"You okay?" Keith asked, looking at Lance cautiously. "You were staring off into space for a while. You gonna throw up?"

"No, no, I just," Lance fumbled unsure of how to describe the pain. It Hurt, like a lot! But it didn't last long. And it was gone now, so it was probably nothing. "My stomach hurts."

BlueOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora