Chapter 7

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Keith tore through the castle halls, nipping at Shiro's heels as he ran. His alpha instincts were ravenous. The pack omega, the omega that Keith wanted to court, was in danger. His alpha would not stand for it. 

He reached the ninth floor and was instantly engulfed in the scent of distress. It burned his nose, it smelled like burnt rubber and it fucking stung. Then another squeal was heard and Keith snapped his head towards the direction of the noise. He raced down the long corridor and was greeted with a horrid scene. 

Lance was weakly crying for help, blood dribbling down his cheek. His nest was destroyed, the blankets that Keith had carried were torn across the room and the remaining pillows that Lance laid on was drenched in slick and blood. 

"Where is the intruder?" Shiro asked, he was trying to control his voice but the anger was still very much present. 

Lance whined again. "He hid when he heard you roar," Lance wailed. Lance hunched in on himself, revealing the gash on his side. "He...he..." 

Keith was beside himself. His alpha was torn, help his omega or tear the intruder limb from fucking limb. But another cry and Keith rushed over to Lance and scooped the omega into his arms. He wiped the blood from Lance face and pressed a kiss to his forehead. 

"It's okay, Lance," Keith said quietly. Keith nuzzled into Lance's cheek and the distressed smell slowly left. Then it picked back up again. "Lance..?" Keith asked. Lance's face had grown pale and tremors rocked his small frame. "What's wrong--" 

Keith was cut off with a hit to his head that threw him across the room. Keith opened his eyes to see that the intruder had returned. Where was Shiro? Keith looked around and--there! Shiro was being held down by another spy. Jeez, how many intruders were there?

Keith got up and a growl tore through his clenched teeth. Lance whined and it only strengthened Keith's resolve to fight. 

The spy was a little taller than Keith, (aka short too) but he was less muscular. Keith could probably take him down if he got close enough for hand-to-hand combat. But the spy kept an unhealthy distance from Keith, standing closer to the wall, whereas Keith was in the center of the room. 

In Keith's rush to find Lance, he didn't bother to find out where Lance had decided to nest. Keith took the time now. He was in a training room. Keith vaguely remembered training here with Shiro a few months ago. Whatever remained of Lance's nest was in the far corner and Lance was crumbled on the floor a few feet away from his destroyed nest. 

With his eyes never leaving the intruder,Keith slowly made his way to Lance. Keith slowly felt reason slip back into his mind. Keith was still angry as hell, but he was less feral now that his omega was near. But when the intruder suddenly lunged and made a move for Lance, Keith felt that reason disappear. 

Keith snarled at the intruder. "My omega," he hissed. "Stay away or I'll fucking kill you." 

The intruder wasn't wearing any mask, so his purple fuzzy features were easy to make out. The spy raised an eyebrow lazily and smirked, as if he found the whole situation amusing. "Why would you leave your omega unattended in his heat?" he asked smugly. 

Keith was balling and unballing his fists in anger. How dare he. How dare he. "Don't question me, you purple sack of shit." Keith snarled. The amused expression returned. "So why don't you take your buddies and get the fuck out of here before I make you leave?" 

"I choose option number two," the spy mused before he suddenly surged forward. Keith raced to meet the spy and deflected his hit easily. Keith threw a right hook but the spy dodged, and retaliated with a kick. 

Keith grit his teeth and slammed his fist into the spy's neck, ignoring the pain his stomach from where he was kicked. That was going to bruise. The spy fell with an awkward thud. Keith kicked him while he was down, and sent the spy tumbling backwards. "Stay the fuck down," Keith spat. 

Keith turned around and sent a triumphant grin to Lance. Lance's smile was brief before it was replaced with fear. "Keith look out--" 

Lance's warning had just left his mouth when the spy hit Keith with tremendous force. The force sent him tumbling and Keith collapsed inches away from Lance. Lance touched his face worriedly but Keith brushed him off. 

"I'm okay," Keith assured before hopping back onto his feet and charging at the spy. With a battle cry rolling off his tongue, Keith plowed into the spy and the force knocked him off of his feet. Keith then threw a punch down hard on the spy's head and the spy slumped unconscious. 

Keith turned around and walked over to where Lance sat and lifted him up. Keith could just barely make out distant fighting as Shiro tackled his captor but all he was focused on was Lance. 

Keith gently wiped away the blood pooling out of Lance's side. It wasn't a deep cut, but it was bleeding rather excessively. Normally Keith would just put lance into a pod,but what with Lance's heat pods weren't an option. Instead Keith tore a spare blanket apart and wrapped the wound gingerly, being sure to avoid hurting the omega. 

Lance purred at the gentleness of Keith. Lance really wanted to court Keith but he knew deep down Keith would never like him that way. 

'He's my omega!' 

Lance smiled at the thought of actually being Keith's omega. Keith would never go for it, though. 

With the danger gone, Lance's hormones slowly began to calm down. It was too late now to stop his heat so his body was going to ride it out whether it felt safe or not. Lance's distressed smell slowly returned to the sweet scent that it was before. 

Keith inhaled in surprise as the once sour smell turned sweet and tropical. Lance's heat scent was back and Keith loved the smell. Keith's pupils dilated and he buried his nose in Lance's neck, inhaling deeply. Lance chirped at the sudden scenting and Keith let out an appreciative rumble. 

Then Keith smelled the other alpha in the room. 

Keith snapped his gaze up at Shiro. Shiro had defeated his captor and was staring at Lance, his expression hooded as he breathed in the scent deeply. Shiro took a step towards Lance and Keith growled. 

Keith may have some reason back, but he was still feral. And Shiro was a prime alpha trying to get close to his omega who was in heat. Keith would not have that. Shiro growled in return, causing Keith to get up, and stand in an offensive position. 

Keith didn't want to fight Shiro, but if Shiro was going to try and take his omega, than Shiro was going down. 

"My omega," Keith snarled. "Back off, Shiro."

Shiro smiled. At any other time, Shiro would have listened, but right now Shiro was feral and had succumbed to his instincts. And his instincts were telling him that there was an omega in heat and the only thing standing between him and the omega was another alpha. 

"What are you going to do about it, runt?" Shiro replied. Keith snarled and stood up taller. 

"My omega. Back. Off." Keith said once again. "I will fight you, Shiro."

"So be it." Shiro said before allowing his alpha to take control. Keith smelled the change in Shiro's scent and knew there was no backing off. Keith growled once more before stepping away from Lance and bending forward to attack.

And then, as if a bell was heard, they both lunged for each others necks. 

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