Chapter 3

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Lance was being stupid. He knew that. But he couldn't stop himself. He wanted to be near Keith.  After Lance was walked in on by Shiro, lance had tore apart his nest. It was physically painful to do so but his omega instincts refused to let him nest in Hunk's room anymore. It just wasn't safe. 

Even so, finding himself in Keith's room was definitely not a good idea. 

Lance was almost done with his nest when Keith walked in. Keith didn't know what an omega smelled like, he had never met one before. But he was shocked when he entered his room and smelt something incredible. The smell was addicting and Keith loved it. 

Then Keith saw Lance. 

"What are you doing?" he snapped. Lance balked. "Why are you making a mess in my room? Clean it up and get out!"

Lance could feel his heart shatter. Did Keith not like his nest? Was it not good enough? Was Lance a bad omega? What had he done wrong? The haze in his brain, induced from his oncoming heat, stopped all logical thoughts in his brain. He fought back a whimper as he tore apart his nest for a second time. It hurt even worse because he was rejected.


Lance knew that Keith wouldn't want him. He knew all along that he wasn't good enough. Lance didn't deserve to have Keith as his alpha. Lance was a bad omega. Lance took the dismantled nest and left quickly, tears spilling over his eyes. 

Keith rejected him. Keith rejected his nest. Lance wasn't good enough. Why wasn't he good enough? Lance ran to his room. He knew that it wasn't safe to nest in his room. But it also wasn't safe to nest in Hunk's room. Or Keith's room. 

It wasn't safe to nest anywhere.

The realization hit him like a brick. 

Lance couldn't nest. It wasn't safe here. He couldn't nest on ship and he definitely couldn't go into heat. Lance felt a sharp pain in his abdomen and he dropped his materials with a yelp. His body was trying to fix him. Either help him find a safe place to nest or fight off his heat. 

Whichever one was possible first.

Lance felt another jab in his stomach and he dropped to the ground. It hurt a lot. When an even stronger wave of pain washed over him Lance let out a whine. He clapped a hand over his mouth when it left him. It's been a long time since he let out a noise like that.

The agony continued, getting worse with every wave. Pretty soon Lance was whimpering and whining and crying out from the pain. He felt his eyes darken. It was too much pain. It hurt a lot. Lance let out a final yelp before he succumbed to the painless darkness.


Keith heard loud banging coming from down the hall way. He groaned and walked over there to see what all the noise was about. It was killing his head. Whatever that scent that he had smelled earlier hadn't left his head. It was strangely familiar and it was bothering Keith that he couldn't place it. 

He was greeted with a very strange scene. 

Hunk, Pidge and Shiro were all banging on Lance's door, crying and begging him to open up the door. Keith then heard a shrill whine coming from inside the room. Keith felt a sudden urge to race in there and comfort him until he stopped making such a heart broken sound. 

"What's going on?" Keith asked as he ran over to the others.

"We don't know." Hunk said, worry radiating off of him. "He won't open up. He sounds like he's in a lot of pain..."

"He's been acting so weird lately." Keith said. "Just earlier he was making a huge mess in my room. There were blankets and clothes everywhere. I told him to clean it up and he looked...I don't know...dejected?" 

There was a moment of silence before Pidge screamed at him. "You rejected his NEST?!" she screeched. 

Nest? Lance was making a nest? But only omegas do that. Then it clicked. The scent that he had smelled was an omegas scent. And it was familiar because it was Lance's scent. Juts ten times stronger. "Oh my god! I didn't know I swear!" Even Keith knew that rejecting an omegas nest was bad. Keith banged on the door. "Lance I'm so sorry! I swear I had no clue! I promise! I didn't mean to reject your nest! Honest! Please, open the door!" 

"Lance, buddy?" Hunk called softly. "He didn't know."

The door opened and the scent of a distressed omega hit Shiro and Keith like a wall. Their alpha instincts took over and they raced in and hugged Lance. Lance cried. "Lance I'm so sorry! You can build a nest in my room! I swear it's totally okay!"

"No it's fine," Lance said in between sobs. "I don't want to be a burden. I can...I it somewhere else." No I can't, Lance thought sadly. It's not safe to nest anymore

"No!" Keith cried. "Please, I want you to build your nest in my room. I don't mind at all! You wouldn't be a burden, I swear."

"....Okay," Lance said softly. "I'll try." Keith and Shiro helped Lance gather his nesting materials and carry them to Keith's room. They set them down and gently backed away and watched him from outside the door. 

Lance's omega was screaming.

Run! Nest elsewhere! Not safe! Too dangerous! Can't nest here! 

 Lance fought it really hard. He took the mattress and pulled it with a shaky hand. He was trying so hard to ignore his instinct and nest. He was trying to force himself to build a nest to make Keith happy. 

Leave! Not safe! Don't nest here!

Lance fought the urge to bolt. He fought the urge to hide in a cranny somewhere safe. He began to make the outer rim of his nest. Every time he forced a piece of the nest together he felt a stab of pain. His instincts were ravenous. 

Not safe! No nesting! Can't nest here! Can't nest anywhere! Too dangerous!

Lance was biting his lips from the pain. The scent of a distressed omega wafted through the air again. Shiro sat up instantly and eyes Lance wearily. "Lance? What's wrong?"

Lance let out a shaky breath and dropped the pillow he was holding. He couldn't fight it anymore. It hurt too much. He took a deep breath before tearing his nest apart. The rest of his pack took in a sharp breath as they watched the omega dismantle his nest. 

"Lance..." Hunk breathed softly. 

Lance was shaking. 

"Can't nest," he cried out. Lance's omega sighed a breath of relief at Lance's compliance. "Not safe to nest anymore. I can't nest." 

Lance hugged his knees as he cried. 

"I can't nest anymore." 

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