Chapter 24

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It's been a month since the battle against Haggar. Lance had been doing better, his sadness over his pup clearing up. In an hour Coran was going to scan the pup, and Lance would go through his first ultrasound. Today was the day he was going to find out whether or not his pup could walk. 

And Lance was freaking out.

He was praying to every God he could think of, asking them, begging them to let his pup be happy. To let his pup be able to walk. Lance stared out the windows of the observatory, watching the nebulas pass by.

"Hey Lance," Hunk said, slowly walking up to his friend. He handed him a warm cup of space tea. Lance took it gratefully, wrapping his tan fingers around the steaming cup.  "How you doing?"

"I'm...better," Lance said after a second. "I'm just...worried. I mean, what if our pup can't walk?"

"At least it's alive, right?" Hunk asked.

"Well of course," Lance said with a heavy sigh. "I'm so grateful the pup is alive. I just...It hurts to think about all the opportunities out pup is going to miss because I failed to protect them. If our pup can't walk, it will be my fault."

"Lance no," Hunk cooed, wrapping his arms around the shaking omega. "It's not your fault. You kept your pup alive, and you saved the universe by keeping that information out of Haggar's hands."

"I...I guess.." Lance said. 

"And there's no point in worrying over it now," Hunk continued. "It happened, it's over, and we will do whatever it takes to make your pup happy, disabled or not."

"Thanks Hunk," Lance said, hugging the beta tightly. "You're the best friend I could ever ask for." 

"Lance..." Keith called, Lance separated from Hunk and looked up to see Keith standing in the doorway. "Coran said the pod's ready."

Lance took a shuddering breath and tried to calm his nerves. Hunk rubbed his back and Lance shot him an appreciative glance. Lance slowly stood up, taking care not to hurt his stomach. He was starting to show, his abdomen protruding a little bit from his pants. It wasn't much, and really it just made Lance look fat. 

But that was fine, because soon Lance would have a pup and work off all the baby weight. 

Lance grabbed Lance's arm and helped him walk. At any other time Lance would have laughed at said something along the lines of; "I can still walk Keith." But right now, Lance was too anxious to even open his mouth. His throat felt dry. 

Lance walked numbly to the med bay where the rest of the pack was waiting. Shiro was pacing nervously and looked up when Lance and Keith entered. "Hey guys," Lance said. 

"Hey buddy," Shiro said. "Are you ready?"

"As I'll ever be," Lance said. He turned to where Coran was waiting, his bushy eyebrows low on his face. "Let's do this."

Coran nodded. "Step this way, please." Coran motioned for him to step into a modified pod. It was about as tall as Lance's chest and it had no roof. Lance stepped in and the pod whooshed close. A light appeared and a beeping noise sounded before a screen appeared over Lance's stomach.

It was Lance's pup.

Lance felt the air knocked out of him, his eyes filling with tears as the sound of a heartbeat filled the room. Keith stepped forward slowly, his eyes already brimming with tears, and he bent down to look at the screen.

"Is that...Is pup?" Keith's voice cracked as he stared. Lance snorted, his tears flowing down his face.

"Well it's not Hunk's." Lance said. Keith didn't even bother to send a glare at the omega, but Hunk did. He smiled though, so it meant he wasn't mad.

"It's beautiful.." Keith said.

"'It's not a sunset'." Pidge mocked. 

"Actually, Lance said that," Hunk said. Pidge huffed but even her sarcastic comments couldn't ruin this moment. It was perfect. 

And just for a few minutes Lance could forget about everything. He could forget about the war. He could forget about the pain. He could forget about the fear. He could forget about the news that was sure to come.

Just for a moment, Lance could forget it all, and relax to the sound of his pup's steady heartbeat.

"Would you like to know the gender?" Coran asked. Lance looked up.

"You can find out at eighteen weeks?" Lance asked, (A/N just so you know, I legit did no research on pregnancy at all. Like, I should know this cuz I'm a girl and I've taken health but I don't remember that shit. So if any of this is inaccurate [it probably is] I apologize)

"Indeed," Coran said, a smile decorating his face. 

"Keith, do you..." Lance asked, trailing off as he looked at his alpha. 

"I...I do...Coran..what are we having?" Keith asked.

"Congratulations," Coran said. "You are having a healthy, and fully operational, baby girl." 

Lance looked up, his eyes widening and his breath hitching. "Wait...did you say..." Lance asked, afraid to find out it was too good to be true.

"Yes," Coran said, tears of his own starting to fall. "The pod and your body was able to heal the pup. There is nothing wrong with her legs."

"....the healthy?" Lance asked, his voice cracking.

Coran nodded. The pack cheered, shouts of joy filling the room. Lance let out a hysterical giggle. "Keith!" Lance called, his smile too big for his face. "We did it!"

"She's perfect.." Keith said, his eyes not leaving the image on the pod. 

Lance nodded, his head lowering to see the black and white image.

She was small, but that was to be expected, and Lance could make out her head. Her heartbeat sill filled the room, slightly drowned out by the cheers. She moved, the image shifting with her. Lance smiled warmly at her. His pup. 

"Yeah...she is."

So this story is almost over, only two or three more chapters left. I'd just like to thank everybody for reading and commenting. It was so much fun to write this story. I love all of you! :)

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