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Third POV

The bell rang indicating that lunch was over. Naruto and Sasuke said goodbye to there friends and walk towards the locker room for gym class.  "Sasuke, Naruto! Wait up" they heard from behind. Sasuke turned around to see yahiko jogging towards them while Naruto begrudgingly turned around also. Sasuke took note of this.

"Yes?" Sasuke asked nicely

"I was just wondering where the locker room is. I have P.E next" the red head said while scratching his neck.

'Great.' Naruto thought

"Oh, you can just follow me and Naruto"

"Ok!" He said enthusiastically as they began to walk again


"ALL RIGHT MY YOUTHFUL STUDENT we're gonna do a warm up of 40 laps around the gym!" a man with a shiny bowl cut said enthusiastically. As everyone complained

"Stop complaining and give into the power of youth. Now, go so you can train your body to be youthful for ever!" He said as he started crying.

That's when he noticed Sasuke walking up to him with a student he had never seen before.

"Sasuke my boy who is this?" The man said while rubbing his tears away

"This is the new student Gai sensei"

"Yahiko, sir" the red head said with a polite bow


Yahiko looked at Sasuke with confusion, so the raven gave him the look that said 'just go with it'

"Hmmm something is amiss... YES I REMEMBER, where is Naruto?!"

"I'm here sensei" Naruto said as he came jogging up to them. Sweat sliding down his face. This made yahiko lick his lips.

"NARUTO! first to finish your laps, as always I see."

"Of course I gotta keep my record right"

'Record my ass he only did five hella fast' Sasuke thought while rolling his eyes

"Indeed. Well it was nice meeting you yahiko, I hope you join sports but now it's time for you to do your 60 laps"

"But I thought it was 40 sir" the red head said in confusion.

"It was, but I see so much youth in you and you have to use it. NOW RUN. Oh you too Sasuke"

"Yes sir" they said in unison

Before they started running Sasuke pulled Naruto off to the side

"What is it teme?"

"You wanna come over after school?"

"Sure, it's been awhile since I've seen your family"

"Great, I'll have the limo pick us up after school" the raven said then kissed his blond. "Now it's time for me to go beat your 'time' "

"Good luck teme" Naruto winked As he watched his boyfriend jog away to catch up to yahiko.

Sasuke POV

Me and yahiko were on our last lap so we decided to walk it. We talked about random things and interest, he's actually a cool dude and we get along nicely. If you can't tell already I don't have that many people I get along with. Excluding Naruto, sui, jugo, and Karin...and I guess my brother and parents. Everyone else annoys me.

"So how long have you and Naruto been together" yahiko asked, snapping me out of my thoughts

"Um...now that I think about it not that long. A few weeks at most" to be honest me and Naru haven't been together that long. It feels like I've know him forever, there's still things that I don't know about him.

"I see. Does that mean me and him still gotta chance?" Yahiko said in a serious tone.

I went quite, i then looked at him with the infamous Uchiha glare and he glared back. But then his glare turned into a big grin

"I'm kidding Sasuke, you should stop glaring or your face will get stuck like that" he said as he pat my back

"You shouldn't joke like that yahiko"

"Sorry, sorry I like people's expressions when I say things that catches them off guard"

"So shock factor?"


"Hn" I know he was joking but something about the way he said it was very odd. 'Does that mean me and him still gotta chance?' his choice of wording. 'still' as in he's know Naruto longer. I'll ask Naruto about it later, I'm just gonna have to keep my eye on him for now and not leave them alone together or let Naru wander around with out me.

"Oi Sasuke lets jog the rest of this"



Naruto POV

Wow look at this, you guys haven't gotten my point of view in a while huh? Anyway enough of me breaking the fourth Wall and back to the story. After gym class me and Sasuke went to the rest of our classes. After school, we were then picked up by the limo since kyu droped us off in the morning.

When we finally made it to the "house" we went straight up stairs to his room. I then proceeded to flop on his bed

"Tsk dope, get off my bed, your dirty"

"Fine Sasuke. No need to be pissy" I say getting off his bed

"I'm not being pissy, I just don't want your school clothes on my bed..." he got closer to me so we were face to face "Now Naru you have two options, you can barrow my clothes or..." he slid his hand down my chest to my pant loops, giving it a little tug
"You can strip for me, baby" he said, whispering the baby part.

I couldn't stop myself from letting out a moan and Sasuke took notice of that. He then proceeds to grab my face with his left hand while tilting my head to the side. Exposing my tan neck.

"Do you like that Naruto? The idea of stripping for me?" I weakly nod my head yes "voice your answer Naruto" he says as he starts kissing my neck

"Ah y-yes"

He continues to kiss my neck when suddenly I feel Sasukes hand on my clothed erection. He then starts palming.

"S-Sasuke shouldn't we be studying o-or something mmm~" I moan

"We are studying...we're studying the male human body and how many times he can cum from just having prostate stimulation"

God that was hot. Sasukes acting very dominant today, and I love it. He then stops kissing my neck and looks me straight in my eyes.

"Strip for me"

Hey guys. It's been a while huh? Anyways I'm finishing up this story and I may start a new one. Don't worry that one would be more planned out so y'all won't have to wait. Ok I guess I'm done for now, till next time. By the way I'm in Japan right now so I'll post the next chapter when I get back...maybe ;)

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