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Louis passes out in front of me and I catch him before he hits the ground. I scoop him up bridal style and his head rests against my chest. My heart is still going a million miles an hour, I'm so lucky Louis is okay. He could have died right in front of my eyes if it wasn't for Zayn and his quick thinking and accurate shot. I'm still on edge but I can't think of that right now, I have a situation to deal with and Louis is covered in blood and brains and his parents must be worried sick.

"He will be okay Haz, he is just in shock" Zayn comes over and comforts me by placing his arm on my shoulder,

"Thanks Z, bloody good shot mate" I tell him.

"Of course, couldn't let that asshole take lover boy now could I" he says with a smirk and a wink.

"Yeah Haz, you're totally gone man" Niall cackles.

"Shut up" I tell them,

"Ohhhhhhh Haz, we are just teasing. He seems like a really awesome guy, a bit feisty but I'm sure you can handle that hey!" Liam tells me.

I blush as we start back towards the house. The police move in around us to clean up the mess and question us about what happen, it's all caught on camera though.

As we get closer to the house Johanna runs down the steps towards us frantically.

"Harry, is he okay what happened?" She asks borderline hysterical.

"He is okay Jay, just in shock. He passed out" I tell her as we make our way inside to the Loungeroom.

"Why...Harry what's happened?" Ben is now behind Jay asking questions.

"Jeremy....he.....he tried to take Louis, held a gun to his head. If Zayn hadn't shot him. He would have killed Louis" I tell them as I place Louis carefully on the couch.

I know it's a shock that Jeremy turned against them. He has been looking after Louis since he was a kid and for that trust to be broken is a huge shock.

"Oh my god, so he was working for shield? " Jay asks, as she puts her hand over her mouth.

"Yes, I'm afraid so" I tell her.

"I can't believe we trusted him....and for so long. We should have listened and taken what you said more seriously Harry. I'm sorry" Ben tells me.

"It's okay,I'm just glad Louis is okay" I tell them.

Louis then begins to stir awake on the couch.


I stir awake and open my eyes, I'm lying in the couch and as my vision comes back to me I see Harry and my parents hovering over me.

"Oh Louis, thank god" my mum says to me.

I look down towards my body and see I'm still covered in blood and guts and it smells so horrid I feel like throwing up again.

"Are you okay Lou? How are you feeling" my dad asks me.

"I'm fine" I whisper towards him.

I don't want to talk to him I'm still so angry that I'm being sent away, even if I know it's justified. Then the smell hits me again and my breathing picks up.

"Look at me Louis" Harry says sternly and I respond to his voice Immediately. I need to be around Harry right now, he relaxes me.

"That's it, it's okay, how about we go and get you cleaned up before we leave hey?" Harry asks me gently.

We? I nod in response and go to look at my clothes again and the chunk of brain that's on my pants.

"Hey, hey, just look at me Louis don't look at your clothes just keep your eyes on me" Harry tells me as he gently takes my arm and helps me up. We walk towards my bedroom whilst Harry's team fills my parents in on what happened.

It is what it is Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang