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Giant finally came out of the kitchen, carrying a donabe with furiously bubbling purple broth on its sides.

"Sorry for the wait but now it's ready," Giant announced.

By the time he said that, pressured purple smoke came out.

A silent clapping and crippling laugh from their friends ensued.

"This is a big step in my dream to reach Masterchef stardom," Giant bellowed as he placed the donabe onto the table, continuing, "and cooking for my friends to gain the respect is a major honor!"

"But technically you forced us to give it..." Hotaru murmured in silent in order not to be heard.

"And now, come and get it!" With that, he opened the lid.

Everyone looked at the donabe's content, and blood drained from their faces. Except Giant, of course.

"What... what is... this dish could be?" Shizuka asked in panic.

"Liverwurst, flanks, pickled radishes, salted fish guts, dead crickets, grape jelly for color, dried spices and then some hot peppers, stuffed mochi, coffee, cherry tomatoes and some other ingredients!" Giant explained.

Others watched in indespicable horror as the purple liquid started popping bubbles as if it is a living thing that came straight from Hell.

"I called it, 'Giant's Gumbo Stew.' Alright, go ahead and eat, before it grows a skin!"

He then took a ladle and start scooping while doing, "Here, lemme give y'all a big bowlful."

Everyone cringed in horror with the smell, not to mention the gooey, slimy texture of the stew.

Even at the Crown Game Center, Luna and Artemis are getting goosebumps as they saw Giant scooping a big portion of the horrendous soup.

"I sort of wished that Giant is an evil... well, any kind of evil that can be destroyed by any Sailor Guardians..." Luna whined.

"I agree. Watching this nightmare giving me unnecessary creeps," Artemis wailed.

Back at the Goda household, Diana, who spied at the window, tried her best to plug her nose as a huge portion was about to made.

"Uh... I think a small portion is fine," Suneo tried to reason, but Giant dismissed by saying, "Don't be shy. I know you're gonna want seconds!"

"Here's ya portion, Suneo," Giant said as he gave Suneo his bowl.

"Yaaay... A big portion..." Suneo cheered hoarsely.

Silently, Hotaru touched the tatami floor.

"Guys! Eyes in front of him, but listen to me!" Suddenly Hotaru called in through her mind.

Nobita, realized that Hotaru is speaking through mind link, replied, "What is it, Hotaru?"

"I got a plan! So far, it's risky, but we had to do it! Right now, we had to sprinkle the Super Gourmet Spice as quick as possible, and pass it on to the person next to each other!"

"This is Shizuka's," Giant announced as he placed a bowl in front of Shizuka.

"So that's the plan?" Shizuka whispered.


"That's what I got so far. Now, Nobita, sprinkle some in front of you, after this pass it on to Shizuka, as he's about to give mine!" Hotaru commanded in hurry.

Without hesitation, Nobita did as told.


Shizuka then sprinkled some and passed it on to Suneo who sprinkled it quickly and passed it on to Hotaru.

"And Chibiusa's."

By the time he placed it on Chibiusa, Hotaru hides the spice as she already sprinkled it, giving it unseen to Chibiusa.

"Giant, I'm quite thirsty. Can I have some water first?" Chibiusa said.

He rise up and said, "Why didn't you said so! Stay here. I'll be right back."

"Just ice water will be fine, thanks!"

As Giant disappeared from the door that separates the dining room and the kitchen, Chibiusa hurriedly sprinkle the spice before tossing it back to Nobita.

"I got another idea! Open that lid of the Super Gourmet Spice and dump all of it!" Chibiusa whispered.

Nobita was shook. "Inside that pot?!"

"He's gonna shove us more once we're done with this portion! Hurry up, Nobita! We don't have much time!" Suneo hissed with danger.

"Yes!" And at a split second, Nobita forcibly opened the cap and dumped the whole spice into the gumbo and stir it until dissolved before putting the ladle back into place.

By the time he sat down, Giant opened the kitchen door.

Through the mind link, they all sigh, "Thank Goodness..."

"Why don't you guys eat?" Giant asked as he put a tray of five glasses of ice water on the table.

"We're waiting for water, silly Giant! Our throat is really dry for talking about your dish's appearance," Suneo immediately spoke.

"Why don't you say so! Good thing I bring five glasses and a jug," he bellowed as he placed a glass each in front of each other.

"Wow, thanks. We're quite thirsty..."

All of them signalled "Nice!" at Suneo, who ravishing the water.

"Now that's everything's settled, eat it! Come on! Don't be polite! Leave the manners behind, dig right in!" Giant looked at everyone in anticipation. Meanwhile, the rest are just looking at the bowl in pain.

"We... we gratefully partake!" They shouted while clasping their hands and scoop a spoonful before putting it in the mouth.