Chapter 8: Illumia Cove

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And then I hit the water.

Marinley jumped in after me but I was too terrified to even move.

I can't swim!

What do I do?!

I started trying to reach the surface but my thrashing around only made me sink further down.

It was then I realized I needed to breathe.

Marinley grabbed me and put her mouth to mine, but instead of kissing me she blew air into my mouth.

I'd rather have a kiss but I'm not saying no.

My lungs filled with air and I was calm, calmer than I should be.

I hate the water-I can't swim-so why am I not panicking?

Marinley pulled away and I saw a slight shimmer in the water before I could really breathe and see.

Woah! How did she do that?!

"How am I breathing?"

Oh my god I'm talking too!

How is that possible?!

"It's a spell. It gives you certain abilities for a while. You're basically a Mermaid, just without the tail."

It was then I noticed she was wearing a mask. I couldn't see before, but now I can.

Why is she wearing it?

"Why did you cover your face?" I asked, getting closer to her.

"Because if you see my face...I don't know I just don't want to freak you out. I don't look like the Mermaids that you see on the television."

I reached forward and pulled it away before she could stop me, staring at her. Her eyes seemed bigger and wider, her nose had sunken into her face except for a little bump with two small almond shaped holes. Her lips were bigger and rounder, her ears gone and replaced with little silver fins that moved in the water.

Her breasts were covered by silver scales that matched the ones on her tail. The scales were also on her forearms too. Her tail was long and slender like her but shimmered so beautifully in the light it was almost hard to look away.

She didn't freak me out at all. She looked badass-what a Mermaid is supposed to look like.

Not those half naked ones they portray in movies.

She was a real Mermaid.

"I think you look fucking awesome."

I don't swear often, but I felt like it was a good time to.

Marinley swears like a sailor (hahahaha), but I like that about her.

I like a lot of things about her.

"Really?" She asked, suddenly seeming insecure.

I nodded and touched her face, brushing my fingers over her lips and touching her ears.

She giggled and moved her head, giving me a dirty look. "Don't touch my fins that...what's the word you humans use? Tingle? It tingles."

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