Chapter 15

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"So how do you respond when your baby father offers to give you another child, what do you say?" Nicki quietly asked bet as they walked through the office, and only received a gasp in response.

"He said that?" Bey exclaimed and it didn't go unheard by their boss as he walked past them.

"Who said what, Mrs. Carter?" Drake asked and bey just pursed her lips together. He gave an intrigued look and Nicki knew he'd want an answer.

"Just something a guy she set me up with said. Nothing too major," Nicki said with smirk, knowing it would easily get under his skin. She walked past him and over to the kitchen to make herself a tea and bey just followed, also sporting a smirk.

Drake clenched his jaw and just continued his own journey to the meeting he was about to be late for.

"You're so good at winding him up, it's unbelievable," bey said with a chuckle and Nicki just shrugged.

"We know each other like the palm of our hands and I guess it's a good thing more often than not," She said softly with a sigh as she turned on the kettle. "But that's not the current focal point."

"Yes, back to what you were saying, he said that?" Bey asked once again, now a little more weary of her surroundings. "Why would he say that to you when he's committed to another woman,"

"If I knew I would tell you." Nicki paused momentarily as she gathered her thoughts on the events of the previous day. "He said we need to play the card we'd been dealt and that was him insinuating that we were going to work regardless of the situation and I don't know how I feel about that." She took her cup from the cupboard and put a teabag into it. "I said to him that if he wasn't in a relationship we probably would've started working on Darcie jr and he said if I wanted a baby all I had to do was ask,"

Bey gasped and her jaw dropped. "Why is he leading you on like this. I mean I get that he still has feelings for you but he's getting married for crying out loud,"

"I've emphasised that to him multiple times but it's like speaking to a brick wall. And to make matters better, I haven't seen his fiance since she found out about our past and I don't know how that's gonna go down,"

"When do you think you're next gonna bump into her?" Bey asked as she started making her own cup of coffee.

"Probably tonight. Darcie has a recital and I remember him asking if I'd mind him bringing her along," Nicki said with an eye roll and bey just laughed. "Of course I said I didn't mind because I know she's already assuming things and the last thing I need to do is confirm her assumptions."

"That's very true. You think she knows how he feels about you?" Bey questioned as she took the now boiled kettle and poured some water into her mug.

"If she knows him even remotely well then I'm sure she does. But I've done nothing to make her think I feel the same way, if anything I've kind of kept it friendly around her." Bey gave her a look that Nicki just shook her head at."Don't even start, because you know that's true. He's the forward one."

"I'm just minding my business, but on that topic, are you gonna continue to see where things will take you or are you gonna see what else is out there,"

"If I said the heart want wants what it wants-"

"Oh god," Bey gave a dramatic eye roll. "Nicki you can't let him do this to you,"

"I don't know what it is Bey and I don't know why I'm letting him do this to me, but I am and I don't know what to do about it,"

"It's because he's told you he still love you. He did that knowing it would stop you making further moves, and he pressed for you to-" She was stopped mid sentence by the man himself walking in.

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