Chapter 10

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Nicki sat back in chair and sighed. It was just another day in the office but she couldn't quite take her mind off of the events of last night. Before his compliments had meant nothing to her but now that he had made us distaste for her talking to other males evident, she wasn't sure.

She bit the inside of her cheek before running her hand through her hair. She diverted her attention to the framed photo of her and Darcie on her desk and just observed it. It wasn't long before there was knock on her door and as expected Bey walked in without waiting for a response.

"This is for you," she said with a smile before placing the contract on her desk. "Cheer up. Why do you look like lost puppy,"

Nicki just shook her head before changing the subject. "Are these for the Paul's?" She asked and received a nod.

"How did you find Nate? He really like you," Bey said with a smirk causing nicki to do the same.

"He did? I liked him too. It's nice finding a guy who's in the same shoes as you, if you get what I mean,"

Bey nodded enthusiastically. "Definitely. Jay and I were thinking we should do something at our place, so we can get the kids hanging out,"

"That would be nice," nicki said with a smile.

"How did it go with baby daddy and baby girl," She asked before taking a seat on the chair in front of the desk.

"It was alright, they enjoyed each other's company," nicki said with a shrug. Bey squinted and her and Nicki knew she could read straight through her. She sat forward before lowering her voice: "he wasn't happy about the fact that I went on a date. He said he-"

She was interrupted by a knock on her door and she rolled her eyes before letting the person walk in. "Afternoon ladies," he said as he looked between the pair. "Working hard or hardly working,"

Being that her back was still towards him Bey squinted slightly and cocked her head to the side causing nicki to stifle a laugh and diverted her attention to her computer. Bey took that as her cue to leave and made her way out, closing the door behind herself.

Hey just took a moment to observe her as she worked before making his proposal. "You're about to go on your lunch break right?" He asked as he put his hands in his pocket. She just offered him a nod. "Fancy joining me to one of my favourite spots? On me, I feel we need a moment to just talk,"

Nicki sighed and pursed her lips together as she thought about her decision. "What do we need to talk about?" She asked as she closed the tabs on her computer and giving him her undivided attention.

"Arrangements for Darcie, last night... Us." He said running his hand over his fade indicating his nerves.

She just chuckled. "You're about to be married Aubrey. There's no Us," she said pointing between them. "Us was left five years ago when we went our separate directions, but I'll join you and we can discuss Darcie, so we can work out this co-parenting arrangement." At that she stood, grabbed her handbag and checked her appearance in the mirror before heading out of her office and down to the car park with him following swiftly behind...

The drive was fairly silent, but it didn't take took long for them to arrive at the Italian restaurant. They walked in and were taken to their table which was in a nice corner out of the way. After scanning the menu for a few moments, they ordered their drinks and were left to continue deciding on their meals.

Drake decided to break the silence, knowing nicki had nothing to say to him. "So how did your dinner go? Seeing as I never asked,"

She closed her menu and and placed her hands in her lap as she looked at him. "Much to your dismay it went quite well actually, he was a nice we guy. We all had a good laugh," she said with a smile. He just shook his head with a smirk. "Besides, we're not here to talk about me,"

"I know, but I'm just finding out for myself," he said before sipping on the glass of water.

"And why would you be doing that?" She cocked her head to the side and awaited his answer.

"Because I meant what I said to last night." He sat up in his chair slightly and leaned forward, cupping her cheek with his hand. "You're not seeing other guys onika. It may have been 5 years ago, but there's still feelings invested in whatever we are." He tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear before she just moved away from him.

"Whatever we are?" She questioned with a frown. "We aren't anything. You act like I wasn't once the love of your life and now I'm just your 'bit on the side', don't disgust me drake." She sat back and crossed her arms as she looked at him. "Darcie and work are the only things that tie us together, and I think we should keep it that way."

He sat back and set his jaw as he looked at her. "Let's talk about Darcie then; when can I see her?" He asked, his demeanour now having shifted.

"During the week is probably your best bet, because weekends are my time off work and that's the only time I properly get to spend with her. I can probably give you the odd Saturday every month that you could have her," she offered.

"I'll pick her from school Monday to Wednesday, then bring her home in the evening when you're back from work,"

"She has dance class on Wednesday so I've made sure to finish early specifically for that, you can pick her Thursday?"

"Sounds good," was all he offered. They were then interrupted with the waitress coming to take their orders...

They continued their silence on the drive back to the office. The lunch date hadn't consisted of much conversation after the incident, and it had remained that way until now.

"Does Christina know yet?" Nicki asked as he parked the car.

He turned it off and just sighed. "Not yet," was all he offered before undoing his seatbelt.

"You're gonna have to tell her before I can agree to you having her at your house so often. I've gotta be sure she's in a place I can trust her being." She undid her seat belt and opened her door to make her way back into the office, leaving him thinking to himself.

She walked to her office and placed her bag down before running her hands through her hair and sighing. Everything he had said still sat with her. The fact that he had admitted to still having feeling for her, had completely thrown her off, but she refused to just be his side piece and soon to be mistress. She exhaled deeply and almost jumped out of her skin upon hearing the voice behind her.

"What happened?" Bey asked. "You left in a weird mood and you seem to have come back even worse,"

"I don't know what he wants from me Bey," she walked over to the floor to ceiling window and just looked out at the city view. "Whatever it is, I don't think I can do that with him." She turned her attention back to Bey and watched as she got settled on the couch, waiting for an explanation...


More updates coming soon.

_PaintedPyramids & fyesdrizzy X

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