Chapter 14

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They both watched as the door closed before Nicki just closed her eyes and ran her hands through her hair. Drake on the other just ran his hand over his fade and couldn't help but lick his lips as he looked over at her. She took a deep breath before opening her eyes and looking over at him to find him lost in his own world as he looked her up and down.

"You can't keep doing this Aubrey," She said with the frustration being evident in her voice. "We literally just talked about this yesterday,"

"I know and I'm sorry," He said before walking over to her and reaching for her hand but this time she was quick to pull it away, before shaking her head and moving away from him.

"I mean it, and I won't keep falling into your traps. You're playing a very selfish game Aubrey and I refuse to let you win, I told you that you need to make the decision for yourself," And at that she made her way out of his office and back to her own...

The rest of her day went fairly quickly as she busied herself with work to avoid getting into another awkward situation. She wanted so badly to give into him, but she couldn't let herself take on the title of 'side chick' especially since she'd only just come back into the picture. She was much more content with a role that was permanent, even if that meant that she would just be the mother of his first child and nothing else.

She shut off her computer and let herself gather her things ready to leave the office. She picked up her bag and keys and headed towards his office. She knocked gently and gave it a moment before walking in. She found him just sat reading through something on his computer and so just closed the door behind herself and waited.

"Sorry I just needed to get to the end of that sentence, what's up?" He asked giving her his undivided attention.

"I forgot to mention earlier that Darcie has a little dance recital at her dance school this week and I was wondering if you wanted to come," She asked. "I know it's short notice, so it's alright if you're busy, but I just wanted to be sure than to assume,"

"I'll be there," He said with a small smile. "Couldn't miss an opportunity to see my little princess perform," They both shared a light chuckle. "But yeah I'll definitely be there, just send me all the details," She gave a small nod before she turned to open the door. "Nic," He called lightly and she turned back to face him.

"Yes?" She asked softly as she faced him again.

"Can we possibly go out for lunch tomorrow? I just wanna talk, properly in an environment that I don't have tobe weary of my every move," He asked, hoping she wouldn't turn him down.

"Of course," She said and gave him a small but reassuring smile, before turning and heading out of his office only to bump into Bey on her way out. 

"Twice in one day, you definitely need to fill me in," Bey said and Nicki just rolled her eyes.

"It's not even like that, but I'll call you later cause you've missed a lot," And at that Nicki left the building and headed off to go and pick up her Daughter.


"He basically wants me to make the decision Bey, and I can't do that. I won't let myself do that because this isn't how it was supposed to play out," Nicki ranted to her friend and she ran her fingers through Darcie's mane of curls as she laid on her lap, whilst she watched TV.

"Well then help him make the decision so that it's out of the way," Bey said and waited a moment before elaborating. "I'm not saying literally wreck his home, but I am saying, play him at his own game. He always catches you at your weakest moments and can charm his way to you giving into him, so you need to reverse that,"

Through Her Eyes: A Dricki StoryWhere stories live. Discover now