Chapter 11

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"So are you excited to spend some time with your daddy?" Nicki asked Darcie as she brushed her hair and put it into a ponytail. Darcie just nodded enthusiastically causing Nicki to chuckle as she just ran her finger through the mane of curls.

It was a saturday, but Nicki had decided to let him have her for the day seeing as he had gone through the effort of planning a day out for the both of them. It had taken a bit of convincing seeing as he hadn't quite obided by the rules, but she saw no harm in letting Darcie go...

"Does Christina know yet?" Nicki asked as she walked towards her car with him beside her. "Because we agreed that she's not coming to stay at yours until Christina knows,"

"No she doesn't, but she won't even be there," He reasoned as they reached her car and he put his hands in his pocket and stood by the door, stopping her from getting him. "We'll spend most of the day out and they probably won't see each other cause Christina gets back Sunday afternoon and I'm bringing her back Sunday morning,"

Nicki just pursed her lips together causing her dimples to go on full display as she thought. She let out a light sigh. "I don't know, Drake."

"Please nic. I've even done up her room just how she told be she wanted it and it'll be great for her to see it," He continued to beg. "I won't let anything happen to her and I promise Christina will know by the next time she comes over,"

Nicki stood and thought about his statement for a moment before squinting her eyes. "So if Christina doesn't know, then what does she think about the new room?"

"There's a bunk bed, so she's just suspecting that it belongs to Spirit and Sade when they come over next," He explained with a shrug.

"And that's what you told her?" Nicki asked.

"That's what she assumed. Please Nic, just let me have her over. I promise, any situation that she doesn't feel comfortable in, I'll bring her back home straight away,"

Nicki sighed, but she already know there was no winning this argument so she gave in. "Okay Aubrey, but I swear anything that goes wrong and I get a phone call straight away." He just smiled and gave her a kiss on the temple and a light embrace before he made his way back to the office leaving her shaking her head with an eye roll before getting in her car to head off.

"Do you know where he's gonna take me mommy?" Darcie asked and gave her mother a curious look.

Nicki gave a light chuckle. "I do indeed, but he made me promise I wouldn't tell you," she explained and Darcie just pouted. They were interrupted by the doorbell, that they both made their way to go and answer. They found him stood there in some white jeans, a black hoodie and a pair of black Timbs.

Darcie ran into his arms and he happily picked her up and gave her a kiss on them cheek. "Hey Princess, how are you?"

"I'm good." She responded.

"Are you excited to spend the day with me?" he asked giving her a questioning look causing her to chuckle and nod. "Good," He gave her another kiss on the temple before turning his attention back to Nicki, who had just watched the encounter. He gave her a small smile. "You alright?"

"Yeah," was her simple response before they found themselves lost in each others gaze for a moment. "Let me go and grab her bag." She walked past him and went back up the stairs to grab Darcie's bag for the night allowing them to just have a conversation. When she returned drake stood laughing about something whilst Darcie hid her face and let out a light giggle. The sight warmed her heart and she couldn't help but smile. "Here. Theres everything she should need and more. Any problems and you know where to find me," She said and he nodded. She gave Darcie a kiss on the cheek before they said their goodbyes and she let them be on their way...

Through Her Eyes: A Dricki StoryWhere stories live. Discover now