When the waitress returned, she took our orders, and left.

While waiting for our orders to come, we talked about random things, and just caught up on what happened in the past five years.

"So, (y/n)... I need to ask you something..."

"Sure, what is it?"

"Do you have a boyfriend?" Kokichi questioned.

Now I know why Shuichi was so flustered when I asked him this question earlier...

"No. I don't... Sadly." I answered.

"Oh... Okay! Well, you know, I could be your boyfriend... If you wanted."

"I appreciate the offer, but I must decline."

"Aw! Why so? Am I not cute enough?" Kokichi questioned with a pout.

"No. You're plenty cute. It's just because... I want to keep my options open, you know? What if I meet someone at Hope's Peak that I want to date? I'd hate to have to break up with you, to be with the other guy. It might ruin our friendship, and I don't want to ruin that." I explained.

"I see. Well, just know that I'm always available to date you, if you ever change your mind."

I smiled.

"I'll make sure to remember that."

The food soon arrived after that conversation, and Kokichi and I decided to have an eating contest to see who could eat their food the fastest.

We didn't care who was watching, for we were having too much fun.

"Yes! I'm victorious!" I exclaimed when I finished my last bite.

Kokichi frowned.

"Aw... I was sure I'd win. Oh well, all hail Queen (y/n)!"

"That's right, praise the mighty me!" I declared, before we both burst out laughing.

"I'm glad to see that you're just as fun as before." Kokichi complimented.

I smiled.

"I'm glad to hear my odd self pleases you."

"Of course! After all, I helped craft you into who you are today."

"True. Very true. Well, I'm stuffed. Ready to leave?"

Kokichi nodded, before paying the lady, allowing for us to leave.

"So Kokichi, are you going to be attending Hope's Peak this year?" I questioned.

Kokichi nodded happily.

"Yep! But I guess that's to be expected. I am an evil supreme leader after all!"

I laughed.

"Yeah, because your organization will strike fear into everyone with a leader who's so cute and adorable!"

Kokichi frowned.

"I'm not cute! If anything, I'm sexy!"

I couldn't help but laugh.

"Whatever. Anyway, do you want to exchange phone numbers? That way we can keep in touch." I suggested.

Kokichi thought for a moment, before responding.

"On one condition."

I'm intrigued.

"What condition?"

"You have to join my evil organization!"

I didn't hesitate to respond.

"Sure thing, you have a deal."

"Yay! Then let's get each other's phone numbers!"

And so, we exchanged phone numbers, as I offered my soul to join Kokichi's super-evil organization.

"So, (y/n), are you on campus yet?" Kokichi questioned.

"Yep. Why?"

"I was just curious if you'd like me to walk you back? I know how bad you are with directions."

... He got me there...

"Sure, I've love that. Lead us there, oh great leader of mien!" I pleaded in a mocking tone.

"Onward march!" Kokichi commanded.

We then playfully marched back to my room, laughing and joking the entire way back.

"See you later?" Kokichi questioned, when we arrived at my room.

I smiled.

"Yep! Night!"

Kokichi then gave me a quick hug, before running off.

Seems like he hasn't changed at all...

I then entered my room, and decided to head straight to bed.

I can always watch TV later, but I can't get a good sleep for tomorrow unless I start now.

And so, I laid down, and fell fast asleep into a peaceful sleep.


This is exciting! So very exciting! My queen has returned to me! I have waited so long, and now that she's back, i can finally make her mine!

But I may have to be smart about this... After all, Shuichi's going to be in the same class as well, so... If I want to have (y/n) as my own... I'll have to win her over before anyone else can...

... But if all else fails... I'll just have to force her to be mine...

... After all, in the end...

... She doesn't have a choice...

Now that I've gotten some chapters out, I won't update every day from now on, because I have other stories I need to work on. I hope you can understand, and will continue to enjoy the story. Later! =^-^=

My Insane Love Story (Yandere!Shuichi X Reader X Yandere!Kokichi)Where stories live. Discover now