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Ji walked down to the grocery store, sweat pants and large hoodie pulled over his head as he grabbed pill bottles from the medical section.

Pain killers, sleeping pills, depressants.

He payed for them, shaking his head sadly when the cashier gave him a sad look.

"How old are you?" She asked, setting the last bottle in a small paper bag.

"16." He mumbled, taking the bag from her hands gently.

"I don't think you should be taking so many pills. You can kill yourself like that."

"I'd rather so that than for my boyfriend to come home thinking i was cheating on him." Ji Sung said, feeling tears on his cheeks already.

"Hunny dont cry. Just explain to him what is going on."she said softly.

Ji Sung nodded, thanking her and giving her a tip before exiting the grocery store and heading back home.

He entered the house, slipping off his shoes and instantly opening his pain killer bottle.

He took 2, downing them with water.

He sat down on the couch, closing his eyes and sighing.

What did he do to deserve this?

Was this all gods plan?

Please, God, tell him what he did wrong!

Ji Sung woke from his nap to the same boys taking off his clothes.

He ignored them, staring off into space and only making a noise when they hit his prostate.

Lila took another video, sending it to Yoongi.

But Jin replied.

"Ji Sung this is Jin. I want you to explain to me why you are doing this to Yoongi."

"I don't love him anymore Hyung."

"Now what the hell did I just miss..how could you be clingy with the person you love for the whole time you met but right when he leaves to help with something you wanna so you hate him and have sex with other dudes.

"Correct. Not stop texting me. It's hard to text when you are getting rammed by two giant dicks."

It ended like that, Jin throwing down the phone amd hugging Yoongi as he criedand Jisung crying for help in his head.

Abused [BTS x Ji Sung]    (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now