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It had been a few hours sense Ji Sung's break down, and they were now in class.

They weren't paying attention. They were all in the same class as Ji Sung, and they couldn't keep their eyes off of him.

Giving him glances or just staring at him.

"Boys! Pay attention!" The teacher set his pen down, anger in his eyes.

"Sorry teacher." Hoseok apologized.

"Now, as I was saying..."

They blocked out the teacher, just staring blankly at the board or sneaking side glances to Ji Sung.

Ji Sung was biting at the end of his pen, nervously bouncing his leg and popping his fingers. He remembered when he was younger and he was nervous, he would always sing to himself.

Ji Sung smiled softly at that memory, that he didn't notice the teacher leaving the room to go print extremely papers. And unfortunately he asked Yoongi, Namjoon, Taehyung, Hoseok, Jimin and Jin to go help him.

Why did he need so much people? I don't know. Teachers are weird these days.

Only Jungkook was left....but ....he went to the bathroom.

Ji Sung ignored the giggling and pointing of the small-well-sort of large girl group near the front.

Ji Sung bit his pen, hard enough to draw ink, but it didn't, and closed his eyes.

He heard the phone ring and another student answered.

"Yeah he's here. Yes ma'am. Bey bey." The girl set the phone down, looking at Ji Sung.

"Ji Sung," ji Sung flinched and looked up. "Your called to the office. Your father is picking you up early I guess." She said as she walked back to her desk.

Ji Sung whimpered quitely. "Okay." He said.

He gathered his stuff before hurrying out of the room.

Down at the office , The boys were staring at the familiar man, Jimin glaring.

"That's Ji Sung's dad huh?" Hoseok asked. Jin nodded.

"Hey there's Ji Sung." Yoongi pointed out.

"H-hi dad."
"Shut up shit head!" His father grabbed him by the hair. The office lady was about to stand when Namjoon set a hand on her shoulder, shaking his head.

Yoongi ran after them, watching from a distance.

Ji Sung was pleading for his dad to let go of his hair. His father pulled harglder, causing him to cry out in pain.

Yoongi grabbed a nearby plank, just for in case.

"Let me go dad!" Ji Sung managed to get out of his grip.
"What did you just say to me boy?"
"Dad I'm sorry! Dad no!" Ji Sung was pulled over his car, back against the hood.
His father was obviously drunk.
Ji Sung struggled under the man, wiggling and kicking.

Yoongi looked up at the building and saw students watching from the windows, pointing and screaming.

Someone opened a window on the highest floor and began screaming.

"Ji Sung kick him away!" The boy yelled.

Yoongi looked back over again to see Ji Sung's father playing with his chest. Ji Sung was crying, too weak with fear to fight back.
His father began pulling down Ji Sung's pants and Yoongi snapped.

He ran from behind the bush he was in, and slammed the wooden plank against the old man's head

He fell to the ground, blood pooling from his head.

Ji Sung sobbed loudly as he was pulled up by Yoongi. Yoongi fixed his shirt and pants before picking him up and running away.

Entering the building, he was bombarded by other students. They were about to exit the building when Yoongi busted in.

"Omg is he okay?" One girl asked.

"Shut up Lila! Why would you care anyway?!" Yoongi snarled, holding on tightly to The sobbing boy in his arms.

"Your right. I don't. He deserves it." Lila laughed, causing other students around to yell at her.

"He was nearly raped! What do ya mean ya don't care!!!???" One student yelled.

"Whatever. I'm out of here." Yoongi sped walked away, making his way to the office.

Making his way in, he set Ji Sung in front of Jin, who had no idea what was going on, and ran back outside.

"Wait Yoongi! Why is he crying?!" Jin asked, hugging the poor boy to his chest.

"He was nearly raped again! Take care of him while I handle some business!" Yoongi yelled over the chatter


Abused [BTS x Ji Sung]    (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now