》Chapter Eighty-Two

Start from the beginning

Harry's pov.

I pass a hand through my hair and sit on the edge of the bed, my eyes scrutinizing every inch of the room trying not to lose it and thinking of something to do. She left, she fucking left without saying anything. What if something bad happens? What if she gets killed?

"And you?" I scold my dog as he sits with his ears down looking at the window rather sad. He's worried too but I need to take it out on somebody. "You could have warned me. I told you to bark if she tried to flee and you let her. I'm so disappointed in your Roy. So disappointed." Roy then cries out not looking at me in the eyes as he pretends to be offended by my tone.

"Don't give me the cold shoulders. I'm mad at you, you're supposed to protect her. You're here for this."

I hear the sound of leaves being moved and someone sneaking back inside the room.  She turns and leaves the folder she's holding to the desk next to window.

She takes a long breath before freeing her hair from the hat and give it a little shake. She's okay, she's safe yet the anger boiling in my stomach doesn't seem to find peace as I storm towards her and push her against the wall with more strength that I have planned.

I hear Jade sobbing in surprise but I can't seem to think straight. I'm so pissed at her for leaving me behind, for going towards danger without me. I want her to relay on me, to be dependent of me like she used to be when we first met, but it seems like nothing more enslaves her spirit. 

"Where have you been?" I growl and she squeezes her eyes shut, afraid of me.

"Have any idea of how frightened I was? You didn't leave me a note, a massage, anything!" I scream and she hints to keep my voice quite so that nobody can hear us.

"I don't bloody care if somebody listens to what I have to say. You don't get to sneak out of my sight any longer, Jade. I won't allow it. I always need to know where you are."

"You sound an awful lot like my mother. I can take care of myself." Perhaps is this that pisses me off. The thought of Jade being independent with no strings attached to anybody, especially me, makes me vulnerable, weak. Because I need Jade and it sends me off the fact that she doesn't need me too.

"Where have you been? What were you doing all alone at night? What if somebody took you? What if they harmed you again Jade? I can't stand the idea of not knowing where you are or if you're okay." She scoffs and tries to walk past me, I block her again against the wall and snort, trying to have her looking into my eyes. She seems to be avoiding me and it's unnerving.

"Have you  any idea of how mad I am right now?" I hit the door with my fist right next to her face, causing Jade to suck in her breath and raising on her toes to keep away from me. I pace the room, fuming like a fucking dragon before returning to the woman behind me and freeze in my place.

"Why? What could have ever happened to me that hasn't already?"

 I was so caught up in my own world that I forgot the only thing that I needed to remember. Something that was written all over Jade's wide eyes.

Pain comes ripping my heart in two as I recall the night at my place and how broken she was. She has the same look now, only that this time the cause of it, it's me.

She got sexually assaulted. She got kidnapped and abused and here I am being all brutal with the girl I'm supposed to be gentle with. The last thing I want is to frighten Jade, I truly didn't mean it but I was so out of myself I couldn't think. So when I finally take in her stiffen body and see how hard it is for her to just breath or blink, I feel my anger setting sail and something resembling shame washing over me.

INDECENT 》Harry Styles  #Wattys2018Where stories live. Discover now