》Chapter Eight.

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Edited by: _rose


Roy instantly gets on his feet and strolls over to Harry, one of his paw lifted up probably because there's still something stuck in it.

'' What have you done to him?'' He accuses me and I scoff. Of course he would say something like that, why am I even surprised?

'' This is unbelievable.'' I snort cleaning my skirt as I stand. '' This is just- How dare you?''

'' You are wondering around the gardens covered in dirt like a homeless thief, my dog is also hurt probably because of you and you have the audacity to say, how I dare to call you off on this?'' I exhale loudly before placing my hands on my hips and staring straight into his eyes, not afraid of crossing the line.

"You know what? It doesn't matter.'' I escape his company and i start walking, trying to get away as far as possible.

"Where are you going?'' He inquires shouting from a far. I ignore him and keep moving, doing everything in my power not to care about the sting I feel burning behind my neck, meaning someone is eyeing my every step.

'' Take her!'' I hear his command in a low tone of voice before I sense sharp fangs digging into my flesh cutting the air out of my lungs. I fall to the ground swearing like a sailor and when I open my eyes, I find his amused grin staring back at me.

'' What were you trying to do?'' He spits and I roll my eyes. If he thinks he's going to scare me, he's out of his mind.

'' I was trying to get back to work, if your majesty would allow me.'' I growl the final part and take the piss out of him as I clean my uniform from the dirt.

''I want to know what are you doing here, why are you always tripping in my way and what were you trying to do to Roy!''

'' I won't tell you a single thing!''

'' That's because you're guilty, otherwise you would!'' He shouts back getting all red, his voice becoming so deep it seems the close echo of a desolate cave.

'' No, I wouldn't either way. It's not my costume to give any explanation when my judge has already decided I'm guilty. I'm not used to waste my time''

'' How much did he pay you? Whatever he offered, I'll make it double.''

I angrily rub my hands on my face before leaving him standing there and moving anyway. I don't care if I have to fight with his dog to get free, I won't stand his interrogation any longer. It's too humiliating and I hate the feeling of disgust that bugs at the bottom of his eyes each time we make eye contact.

'' You can't go back in that state. Alice is going to be pissed.''

'' I'll tell her the truth. Hopefully she will believe me.''

'' Which is?'' I stop and abruptly confront him.

'' Do you really think I'm so stupid I'd let you tricked me this easily?'' He shrugs but I keep climbing and by the time I reach the top of the hedge Roy, Harry's traitor dog, starts to growl.Suddenly I feel cold hands wrapping around my ankles and after a sharp pull, my grip on the hedge loosens up and I slip down. As soon as my dizziness stops and I can orientate myself, I discover I'm not face on the floor. My nose brushes against a white plain shirt that is slowly colouring of a deep shade of red, meaning my face is bleeding for the scratches and cuts the fall provoked me.

'' Put me down!'' I cry out fisting my hands ready to punch him. '' Put me down this very instant, you spoiled brat!''

'' Calling me these lovely names will not make my heart melt. You're not the one who can give orders, little bird, just so you know.'' I huff and struggle into his grip but he just doesn't want to let me go.

INDECENT 》Harry Styles  #Wattys2018Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin