》Chapter Nineteen.

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Edited by: _Rose

I take all I need, heading to the so familiar room. I enter and put the things down before heading to the windows. I pull the curtains and hear a groan coming from the bed. I sigh hopelessly but recover soon after. I promised I'd be totally zen today.

'' What the fuck?'' Harry swears with his face pressed against the pillow.

I pin the curtains aside and go grabbing the vacuum. I try not to look at my right but it's not easy because Harry keeps moving on his bed, trying to fall asleep again.

'' It's too early for this shit. It's always too early for this shit.'' he mumbles and I smile. I turn the vacuum on and start cleaning, ignoring his protests.

'' Jade!'' He calls out and I stop, grab my phone and put my headphones on.

I bend down to take care of the spot under the bed and, as Harry moves to try and talk to me, I throw the heavy red cover to his face pretending not only that I can't hear him but also that I can't see him. I clean my skirt once finished and look around to see if there's something else to take care of. Once I'm about to polish the headboard of Harry's bed, I feel my headphones sliding out of my ears and the sounds of the room coming back to haunt my space.

I blink not sure if I want to do something about it or just let it go. Harry's hands grab my phone from my waist, causing me to react by turning to face him. As my eyes meet with his feature, my blood starts to boil.

He's bare, I think even Michelangelo's David would look more dressed than Harry.

I suck in my breath and stumble back hitting the nightstand with my behind while I dart my eyes away.

'' What were you listening to?'' He asks slowly plugging my headphones in his ears. He bites his lip, his hair falling perfectly over his sharp and defined face, which has a bit of beard over the chin.

'' Sam Smith. Like...seriously?'' Harry rolls his eyes and press the bottom to move on the next song. He stops then, raising his head with a very funny and focused expression, as if he is trying to understand if he likes this tune and starts nodding.

'' I like this one, how can I see the title?'' He asks but I don't answer, making him frowning visibly.

'' You can stop this farce. I know you're upset, however you can't just not talk to me. I haven't done anything wrong.'' A rush of adrenaline pervades me and I snap forward out of myself to care about the fact that he's still naked.

'' You bloody dared to kiss me without my consent. That's not enough wrong for you?'' I utter back almost screaming. Harry's lips curl up and smirks, as if he had just won the most difficult war. I roll my eyes,  shutting up again. I gave him what he wanted, a reaction.

'' It's not wrong because you liked it. You're just too proud to admit it.''

'' Oh, so now I'm the proud one? Correct me if I'm wrong Harry, but I wasn't the one calling me up, using the dumbest excuse ever just to inquire about my private life. You could have just asked directly; I would have told you.'' Harry places his hands on his hips and lets his head fall on the side challenging me.

'' You can tell me now. Even though I already know the answer to all my questions.'' I scoff and move past him but Harry catches my arm and tries to force me against his chest. I jerk away blushing so much my head starts to spin.

'' Don't you dare touching me, you bipolar freak!'' I spit and pace away from him, my skin burning where he touched me. Why do I crave for something I know will just do me no good? Why do I want to destroy myself so badly? And for what? Just a stupid crush that probably means nothing.

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