》Chapter Sixty-Seven

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Edited  by: _rose

Jade's pov.

I've been laying in this room for so long. I want to give up so bad, I want to let everything go and just be peaceful. But I can't, I have this rage nesting inside my stomach poisoning me and I'm so scared I have difficult to breathe.

The only reason why I get up from the silky sheets, is those hazel eyes. Because I could die here and now if I was sure I couldn't meet them again, nevertheless I know I have to do anything in my power not to give up, Harry sure didn't. I'm no quitter, never was and never will.

I check if I'm dressed, because you can't never know, and I open the door. The place is asleep a part from the light on the TV coming from the living room down the hall. I tip toe to it and hide behind the wall while giving a look around.

There's a huge screen hanging from the wall right in front of the leather couch. Everything looks so modern, the stereos, the home made theatre. Everything screams in a very disturbing way. I creep towards it and only half way, I notice a head peeking from the top of the couch.

He has his mouth open and his arms crossed, a beer in his left hand so tightly gripped I don't think he cares for anything else in the world.

I go all around the couch and take a closer look. He has almond-shaped eyes, his skin looks cover in brown sugar, so much in contrast with his dark nails and white tank top.

As I turn to face the lobby, something strong grips my wrist and I'm pulled against the couch with the once sleeping beauty staring right into my face. He smells like cinnamon so much it's intoxicating.

" Oh it's you." He lingers some other seconds, checking me out. Luckily for me, there's not much to show with this cream nightgown. It looks so prudish, even Queen Elizabeth would have something to say about it.

When he finally gets off, I sit on the far end trying not to appear too scared.

"Shit." He curses leaning over the spilled beer, giving me a very angry look before placing the bottle now empty on the tea table next to a bowl full of tortillas and some chinese take out.

" Why are you up, anyway?" I shrug and casually stare at my arms, noticing something shiny on my left wrist. I bring the silver bracelet to my face and check it out. I can't believe my eyes; this can't be what I think it is. There's a emblem craved at the centre of it something that recalls a lotus flower with an arrow going from side to side.

" I suppose you have a lot of questions for me?" I can't rip my glare from it. I try to take it off, I smash it against the table corner but nothing, it doesn't bulge.

" That's your slave bracelet. It's pretty cool if you ask me, it even has gps." I wide my eyes in horror as he goes to the kitchen to get another beer and passing one to me. I shake my head and stare at him shocked he's casually telling me that I've been enslaved.

" What is all of this? It's not legal, it can't be." The blond boy falls again in his seat; his ripped jeans show his engraving legs. He fixes his tuft to the side and away from his sight before turning his attention to me.

" Technically it's not and I agree with you, it's barbarous." The obliging tone makes me want to jump to his neck and strangle him but something inside of me says that I need him on my side if I want to have some chances to escape here.

" So, do you want to... you know... bang?"

" No way! I'm not having sex with you." He raises an eyebrow at me and I make the most disgusted face I can manage to find. I must not be very successful, because he tries to hide a grin before taking a gulp, again.

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