52 - Megan

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Megan woke tired. She had a headache and a backache. It was her own doing, because she had stayed up too late going down memory lane. Why had she ventured into that box? Then she called him when she could have just texted him. She didn't intend to call him Bren. She didn't know where it came from maybe because she didn't dare call him Pete. As far as she knew no one else had ever called him Pete, and she hadn't for a long time. Just as he was the only one who called her Meg. Recently he had often.

Karen stopped by at lunch as she was eating an old granola bar she found in her desk.

"Is that your lunch?"

"I had trouble sleeping. I'm too tired to go down to the cafeteria. I'll be fine. I'm not really hungry."

"But you're alright?"

"I just really need this vacation. Just today and tomorrow and then ten days off!"

By the time the last class was over she was exhausted. She strained her back, pulling down those boxes, but it was worse as the day went on.

She was early for her appointment. She hoped they would see her early so she could pick up the twins on time. When the nurse called her name, she had already peed in the cup. She stood on the scale and was pleased with her small weight gain. She didn't want to be fat like with the twins.

The nurse asked her all the routine questions and after seeing her grimace asked if she was in pain. "I was lifting boxes off a high shelf last night. I strained my back."

"Were they heavy?"

"No one was baby clothes the other was some papers."

Her doctor came in quickly which pleased Megan. Sometimes she sat for a while waiting for the doctor after the nurse was done. They exchanged pleasantries, and as Megan rubbed her back her doctor checked her belly.

"Okay, I'd like to take a quick peek to see how ready you are. You know the drill, feet up, slide down. Good, you'll feel me touch you."

Megan felt the gloved fingers and thought how childbirth left no dignity. With the twins, she felt completely exposed and didn't care. She just wanted those babies out. Pete was so calm and reassuring. It wasn't until after that he admitted he was scared shitless.

"Okay Megan. I don't think you hurt your back. I think what you're feeling are contractions. You are going to have this baby today by the look of things."

"Today! I can't today. I'm not ready. I have one more day before vacation!"

"Sorry this little one has other plans. You need to call someone to come get you and take you to hospital. I'm on call so I'll see you when it's time. I'll let you stay here to make your calls, but I'm leaving the door open."

She called Kristi. "Oh man, I'm in Freeport with the kids. It'll take me awhile to get there. Let me call Dan. Can you get someone to drive you and I'll meet you?" Kristi sounded panicked.

Megan didn't really have to think who to call next. His building was across the parking lot. When he answered, she said, "I need a ride to the hospital."

"Where are you?"

"At my appointment. I have my car here! What am I going to do?"

"Don't worry I'll be right there."

Barely five minutes passed, and he rushed in. He took her by the arm and walked her out of the office and the building. "Give me your keys." In no time, she was in the car, and he was driving to Portland.

"Are you hanging in there?"

She just nodded. Her phone rang, it was Kristi. She was dropping the kids at Dan's office and would meet her at the hospital.

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