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The three of them had him surrounded now. If he decided to run he would have to go through one of them.  I struggled to my feet to join in that circle. Jeff was crouched, trying to decide what to do. I could see the uncertainty and fear in his face. The blade was there and glowing in Blakes hand.  I wanted my blade back. Chan had picked up a piece of wood and was holding it like a baseball bat. Emm had two big rocks, one clenched tightly in each fist.

The three didn't understand or realize what they were facing, but Jeff didn't know that. For all he knew all four of us were hunters. I wanted to warn the others but I couldn't without tipping off Jeff. It was a standoff of sorts.

Jeff felt cornered and that made him twice as dangerous. I could see it in the way he was crouching and ready to spring.  His eyes looked like those of a cornered animal.  He had already decided to get the hell away and now he was choosing his path. He chose wrongly. 

He gathered himself up and launched himself at Chan. I would of chosen the same in his place and I would of been just as surprised with the results. At the last moment as Jeff was almost on her, his fists swinging in round house blows that would of flattened and possibly killed anyone he hit, she stepped nimbly out of the way with an inhuman quickness and agility. She swung the branch she was holding like a baseball player swings his bat for a home run and struck him square in the back of the head as he flew past. There was more to this girl than she appeared. Much more.

Jeff went down like a falling tree and the group piled on top of him, punching and tearing at him. It didn't matter to Jeff.  He didn't feel it. Chan had knocked him unconscious.

Once we realized he was out of it we stopped. Chan went to the trunk of the car and came back with a couple rolls of duct tape and started wrapping Jeff up. The other two pitched in and in no time he was almost covered in it. A demon mummy.

================== Blake ====================

I watched as Chan and Amber and Emm picked up Jeff's duct tape encased body. Everybody was freaking out except for Amber. She seemed to be keeping her cool.

I don't know why we haven't killed him yet, he deserves it and I can't believe I'm thinking that way. He did some terrible things to me and to Chan, but does anyone deserve to die? I don't know. I was still trying to come to grips with what I did  to Travis. One part of me is begging for revenge, crying for me to bury this blade in him. The other part of me won't let  me do it. I want rip and tear him to pieces and cut him to bits.  I am afraid of him, I hate him, I am repulsed by him. The thought of him ever touching anyone and doing to someone else what he did to me, is too much to think about.

That's when I realized that this guy wasn't human. He was like Chan, but different. I had cut his frigging arm off and he wasn't even bleeding now. Like Chan he healed. His arm was already starting to grow back. I could see it forming under the wrappings of duct tape.

He was a lot like Chan. Is that why she didn't stop him that night? Because her and him are just different versions of the same thing? I don't know that much about her really. Not as much as I should. I know that she could of stopped all of what happened that night and that she didn't. Why didn't she? 

I remembered  all those nights we spent together.  The touches, the whispers, the feel of her arms around me. I shuddered. The thought of her touching me was more than I could stand now. She have used me the way Jeff had used me. I wanted to puke.

When I looked up again, Amber, Emm, and Chan were taping him to an old stump near the car. They worked quickly handing the tape off to one another as they wound it round and round. I sat to watch just outside the circle of light and once they were done they all took a seat near me.

" What are we going to do with him? " Emm asked  softly, "Should we turn him in? I guess we could just leave him here. He's a cop, if we tell what he did, no one would believe us anyway."

" Kill him? " I whispered, then I said it again loud enough for everyone to hear, "Kill him?"  They all turned to stare at me. Everyone but Amber. Amber was sitting there with us. Her face was expressionless. She was watching and listening to what was going on while keeping a wary eye on Jeff. 

"It's not a bad idea. I mean, we could. " Chan agreed.  Emm just sat there with a shocked look on her face. She was surprised that anyone would agree with something that crazy.

"But we can't!" Emm said to us, "He is police officer. We would into big trouble if we did that."

"We would if we got caught," Chan answered, "But who would know? I wouldn't tell anyone. Any of you?" 

Amber was still silently watching as we discussed what to do about Jeff. She kept giving me looks, like she wanted to ask me something but she kept quiet.

All of us fell silent, we had no ideas and nothing to suggest. The sky had gotten lighter and the sun had would be rising above the trees soon. We were going to have to think of something soon. We couldn't sit here forever debating.  I wanted to suggest turning him in again but what about evidence? Plus he'd probably get out and find us again. The thought of that monster free and looking for me made my stomach clench in fear.

I was lost in thought when I heard the sound of tape ripping. I whipped my head around to check on Jeff. He was awake, muscles bulging. The tape that had looked so secure just a few minutes ago was giving way. I didn't know what to do, I  panicked. I still held Ambers blade in my hand. I leaped to my feet and plunged it straight into the monsters heart.

Emm screamed, Chan said "What the...?" and Amber sat with that smile on her face. "What have you done? " Emm yelled at me, "Are you crazy?"

Jeffs eyes shot open, his mouth opened to scream but nothing came out. He strained a few moments against the tape.  He strained a few more times before his eyes closed and he went all quiet. Amber got up and pressed her fingers to his neck, looking for a pulse. She turned, looked me straight in the eye and shook her head.

He was dead and my nightmare was finally over. I was overcome with a flood of relief. I stood there looking down at him. No more debating what was right or wrong. No one had to decide what to do with him. It had all been decided in a flash when I had buried that blade in his chest.

The blood sizzled a little as it ran over the blade as if it was hot. With all that had happened the last few days it didn't even seem odd or strange. Nothing was real anymore. Nothing in my mad crazy life made any sense and I was beyond caring. If the sky opened and the aliens invaded now it wouldn't seem odd or out of place.

I collapsed back to ground, sitting, staring with no idea what to do next. I was just glad it was finally over.

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