Moving On

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Chan picked up her hamburger, took another bite and chewed slowly, relishing the flavor of the freshly grilled treat. Blake sat across from her looking beautiful and munching down French fries.

Blake was fourteen years old.  Blond with blue eyes the same shade as a summer sky. His lips were the lips of an angel and he was beautiful. Every time Chan saw him it was like seeing him for the first time and her breath would catch in her throat, her heart skipping a beat.  This was her guy. She loved him deeply and with a passion only the immortal could experience.

Chan was also blond, her eyes a shade darker than Blake's. Physically she was fourteen, the same age she had been when she had been turned into a succubus. In real years she had lost count. Her body  had never had the opportunity to mature fully and she was distinctly girlish. The curve of her hips, legs and breasts promised a maturity they would never realize.

Chan scanned the crowd of fast food patrons and an older guy caught her eye. She opened her mind to  his thoughts.  He was a warehouse worker, wife, kids, house, car. "Humph" she said to herself, "Poor guy, how boring". She closed him out and immediately fixed on another.

"Hunting Babe?" Blake inquired.

Chan jumped, startled out of her concentration. She looked at him and he gave her that cherubic  smile that always made her heart beat faster.  She felt her body warm in response and she blushed. "Yeah" she replied, "maybe".

"Can't you  give it a break?" The now unhappy look in his eyes gave the lie to the smile on his lips.  Chan read his mood automatically. Blake's jealousy was again rearing it's ugly head. 

"Blake" she told him. Her heart was breaking for him. It must be terrible to be the human lover to a succubus.   "You know it's not like I have a choice.  We have been over this again and again. You knew the score when you left with me."

"Yeah, I know,  but... " he looked away from her, staring at something off in the distance , "I don't know, I thought it would be different,  I thought...   just different, okay?"

Chan had heard this exact same thing many times before and she was weary of it.  "Blake, it's not something we can change,  now is it?".  "You know damned well that if I don't eat, we don't eat, and even worse I will starve out. Is that what you want?" she was feeling somewhat perturbed and it seeped out into her words and voice. Chan always got cranky when she was hungry.  "If you can't have me to yourself you don't want anyone to, right?"

Blake turned a few shades of red, getting angry himself.  "Think what ever you want Chan" he told her curtly, "You always do.  I don't know why I even try to talk to you, you can't understand anyway."  He got up from his seat at the table, "I'm going to wash up  before we leave, I'll be back in a minute".  He moved off through the crowd in the general direction of the washroom.

"God I love that Ass hat" Chan muttered under her breath.

When Blake got back from the washroom they donned their packs, threw away their trash and entered back onto the street.

"I don't like this town much" Blake told her, "It smells funny". 

"Yeah" Chan replied, "I agree, it's a bit much". The smell came from the stockyards outside of town. The stench of rot and death permeated the air, "Lets get the fuck out of here and blow this burgh baby" she said to him.  A favorite line from a movie she had seen somewhere.

Despite his sour mood Blake smiled, "Yeah, lets".

The two of them wandered hand in hand in the general direction of North towards the nearest highway that would take them out of town. 

Confessions of a Teenage Succubus Two - The HuntedWhere stories live. Discover now