Chapter 1: The Experiment

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/Flashback in Year 2014/

Ka-boom! There was an explosion in the Institute of Mechanical-Scientific Theism in Brussels, which focuses in Biomedical Engineering specifically in the laboratory of Professor Claude Kirk. Everybody in the room was shock due to explosion. Probably it was one of Dr. Kirk's experiment.  Dr. Clive Stockinger went to check-out what the ruckus is all about.

"Hey doc, what shenanigan is that?" questioned by Dr. Clive.   He was a gigantic, chubby man with hardly any neck, although he did have a very large mustache.  

"I'm doing something gigantic ." replied back by Professor Kirk. He is a slender looking man, pale skin and purple hair but his most defining characteristic is his ego. He is well known for his arrogance and incredible dislike of his subordinate.

"Really? I think it's that evolution bullshit of yours." interrupted by Professor Yon Frés. He is Yon who always debate with Professor Kirk and Dr. Clive when it comes to science.

[Meanwhile at the Hospital] 

"You see Sami, you are positive with Mycobacterium tuberculosis this makes your lungs weak. And According to your result, you are resistant to all kinds of third-world generation antibiotics." said the Doctor. 

"Why doc? what's the problem?" innocent Sami asking a question to Doc.

"I think you've been taking over-the-counter antibiotics." replied back by Doc.

Achoo! Achoo!" Trisha blurted a blood in his mouth.

"Hey, is she going to be okay doc?" questioned by Ramon.

"Obviously not, can't you see?" said angrily by Sami. 

Afterwards, they went to the cafeteria. 

  "That's it, you always don't know why i'm angry, you need to because you are my boyfriend. I think we need to slow things down." said angrily by Sami.

"Why? are you angry?" replied Ramon.

"Please, don't do it. I can't live without you. What can I do to make things right?" Ramon begging Sami.

         Sami Romanov and Ramon Verdera were lovers ever since they were studying in highschool. Sami always dominates the argument, may it be on what the food they're going to eat or movies to watch. After that they went to the laboratory in the Institute of Mechanical-Scientific Theism or otherwise known as IMST to their practicals on venipuncture in Biomedical engineering.

"Shit! Don't do that!!!" said strongly by the professor. It was Dr. Claude Kirk he is the adviser of their class where they build, upgrade, and customize tanks whether it be gargantuan or midget. 

"I'm sorry doc.." said Ram Verdera.

"You're such a klutz. Ever since, you started the program you are just like that." said rudely by Dr. Claude Kirk.

(Ramon was silenced)

[At the Laboratory]

"Day 87th the test subject is still stable. Doc, I think this experiment of yours is pure stupidity." reported by Yon Frés.  

 "What did you just say?" said furiously by the professor.

"I probably agree. I think so too. Did you know that genes of an albino mice doesn't match up with chimps. This is madness, it wouldn't do." said by Dr. Clive.

"Since Day 1, we did not have any progress. Same day, same results." replied back by Yon.

They were trying to fuse an albino mice and a chimp. What is going to happen next? Better watch-out.

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